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A World of Pure Imagination~
[Image: nmTC2pa.jpg]

Quote:"I will do all that I can if able, even at the cost of giving up everything for them. To see anyone fall when I could have did something to prevent it."

"To know that with everyone of them removed, that some semblance of peace will be restored. People can feel safe walking outside in the forests to know that one less threat is there stalking their every move. When I could have did something to prevent it"

"To follow my reason, my path, in this life she blessed me with, the chance to make a difference not for myself. But for them. If I am able..."

She sighed, then he pointed to her heart.

"Ever since I saw Chris fall, to save him. I knew then I could help. I have to. Even if my body won't respond. I have to. Even if I'm old or young, I have to. I cherish all of them, I care for everything that I've seen. All those people, those memories, everything that they are, everything that they can be. I have to protect that. I won't let my body be the reason I could have did something to prevent the harm or worse, death of someone I care for."

"Can you understand that?"

"I heard someone tell me a Wolf I released, captured two people... That same person, I was told in that moment had fallen fighting them. My mother has told me I must make hard choices in my life. This perhaps had been one of those moments where I made that same choice again, to let something that will do nothing but bring harm to those around me and potentially kill them. I made that choice knowing the possible outcome, that it may decide someone else's fate..."

"One who fights for the good of the world. As the other fights for the darker aspect of it...."

"I can never feel the way I did before, to be... naive to what occurs around me. I had tried healing them. To be told I was food. I had tried being kind and talking to them to be told their way of life is to Hunt. I cannot with a sound mind make that choice again knowing such a thing will just go out of their way to continue harming innocent people for the sake of simply Hunting. It's not right..."

"I will say sorry now for those who may have lost someone they cherished, if it comes to that. I can only ask..."

"If something is left to persist and became the reason many more are hurt or killed... if it can be prevented with a single choice."

"Can you understand that...?"

"Then I am sorry, I ask that you can find it in your heart to forgive me. It is a choice I never wish to make if I can avoid it."

"To remain silent and show reverence, I won't smile again when the weight of lives hang in the balance. My eyes are opened."

"There is a reason..."

- Fantasy P. Kasca[Image: SwES7N6.gif]

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RE: A World of Pure Imagination~ - by VibeEntertainment - 03-25-2024, 06:57 PM

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