I had the fortune in recent times to speak with an admin about where I could improve on my last denial. This current system is miles away better than the initial. In the initial, it was "lol, you don't make the cut, kid!" And that was that. Here, I've been able to ask "hey, so what CAN I do to really make it?" and I've gotten a response.
Shout out to OBC for helping me push through to my recent approval, I imagine I'll go through the same song and dance again. I think I do agree with IotaSilver on one part, though. For characters, sometimes small little things like telepathy can be a path to starting a storyline. I think maybe there's this expectation that you have to have an already great story or so a bunch of stuff to get specific things, which is good for making sure randos don't snatch stuff up, but also...
It makes it hard to really CONTINUE that character's story. I know when I got strong, I didn't want to butt in on other people's stories with my, what. Two sigs and such. It's a whole give and take thing, but I will say the new system has only done good and we can only go up from here. There needs to maybe be more of a give and take understanding though, and again like IotaSilver mentioned, maybe more leniency on how certain abilities can be developed.
Like. There's abilities in the game that literally rely on lore from E2 or E3 and you're limited to a paragraph if that of some specific family line from then that did a thing. Like, okay. No? Anyways, yeah.
(I personally have had no issues with apps, I have been denied for things and then amended them.)
Shout out to OBC for helping me push through to my recent approval, I imagine I'll go through the same song and dance again. I think I do agree with IotaSilver on one part, though. For characters, sometimes small little things like telepathy can be a path to starting a storyline. I think maybe there's this expectation that you have to have an already great story or so a bunch of stuff to get specific things, which is good for making sure randos don't snatch stuff up, but also...
It makes it hard to really CONTINUE that character's story. I know when I got strong, I didn't want to butt in on other people's stories with my, what. Two sigs and such. It's a whole give and take thing, but I will say the new system has only done good and we can only go up from here. There needs to maybe be more of a give and take understanding though, and again like IotaSilver mentioned, maybe more leniency on how certain abilities can be developed.
Like. There's abilities in the game that literally rely on lore from E2 or E3 and you're limited to a paragraph if that of some specific family line from then that did a thing. Like, okay. No? Anyways, yeah.
(I personally have had no issues with apps, I have been denied for things and then amended them.)