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General Application Suggestion. Alongside some concerns.
My biggest "meh" towards applications, (because I don't like to app for sigs anywho), is that for minor utility abilities there seems to be a... lack of desire for alternative paths to deving them? Atleast from my experience.

My example: I'm a T-rex. I can't speak. I've had dozens of telepathic conversations by thinking into the void and having telepathic people respond to me. I've had scenes where people telepathically affected my dreams, and we went back and forth. I've had multiple dangers where I channel my undeveloped mental energy into my attacks but...

I'm denied for telepathy and they recommend I get a teacher or "learn the sensations from someone who has telepathy."

It does get a bit frustrating when you do stuff and you aren't on the "correct path" but the correct path wouldn't really... fit your character.

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RE: General Application Suggestion. Alongside some concerns. - by Iotasilver - 03-13-2024, 05:27 AM

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