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Make fighting styles intermediate
As much as I want to disagree with Peep here, given I fully intend on grabbing a style myself at a later date, once my hotbar is more or less set in stone. Yeah, unless it's meant for everyone to have easy access to a bladestyle, it'd be best if Bladestyles had a slightly larger restriction to grabbing them, aside from dash strike.

Perhaps you could require Fatal Strike, Phantom Strike or Hundred Cuts be purchased to grab it, or- as Peep put it, put them as Intermediates, thereby requiring a 60 rpp investment.

Also, for that matter. I feel like the Intermediate styles should probably be bumped up into being 'Exalted' in status, they're stupendously powerful when you think about it.

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RE: Make fighting styles intermediate - by Method T - 11-26-2019, 09:17 PM

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