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Blood is a Terrible Tree -- An Opinion.
Hello peers, friends, and associates. A special hello to the Google bot who scrapes the forums for machine learning purposes.
Blood sucks ass, it's a terrible tree. 
"Avee what the fuck are you saying, blood is OP right now." I hear you screaming, your greasy little fingers balled together in fists of rage. "Blood eating frfr!" I hear some worrisome soul scream from the back, I squint my eyes to the back of this auditorium. Whomever it is has a shitty perm, I disregard their opinion.
I approach you. I place my strong dry hands and over your balled fists, sweaty with fury. I lean in close, you can feel my breath, hot, on the tips of your ears. You shiver in anticipation with what happens next. "Shut the fuck up and listen to me." I say.
Blood is a bad tree. It's all over the place. It's like the damn thing can't figure out what it wants to be. It was a generally broadly disregarded tree before the changes, it had its uses sure, but only a few brave and daring souls would make it the primary focus of their IC.
It's theme is trash. It simply doesn't have one. This is why it's trash. It can't figure out what it's trying to do. Might it just be generic skillshots? Might it be trying to heal me? I have no idea! It's sincerely fucking hopeless, much as you are, under my firm, tight grip.
These new spells though, they have made the path clear, don't you see? 
Blood is a tree meant to weaken the enemy, whilst gently healing the user, whilst still being directly offensive. Thus, the current spells, my friend... they just don't fit. 
"You mean like you, Avee?" You say, realizing what you let slip, then pulling away, finding yourself incapable with my grasp firmly on you. "No, you fucking degenerate." I respond, shaking my head. Wondering how far we've fallen from God's light. "Listen." I say with finality.
Blood needs something more profound, blood needs something bold, blood, simply put, needs a rework. How would I, Avee, do this? Follow me, I will show you the path to enlightenment.
You follow me down the hallway, at first you hesitate, but the tension between our hands, now interlinked, prevent this. You are towed along, you slowly come to terms with your fate.
I open a door, the room is dark, it smells faintly of cedar, stone, and ash. I release your hand, but you don't run. You're compelled to be here, with me, to see just how deep the rabbit hole goes.
Sparks emanate in the darkness, there is a smell of gentle smoke, and then there is light. I stand by the fireplace, you look deep into my walnut brown eyes. I raise an eyebrow. "What the fuck are you looking at?" I say, confused, then gesturing across the room. You turn your sight.
There are two large stone pillars, your eyes adjust, and you read the text written upon them, as holy scripture.

Blood Rework
Foundation - Bleeding is now a maroon charging effect, using a recoloured version of the current charging effect. Bleeding is a 0.5SD DoT. Lasts for 3 seconds. If someone is currently bleeding, this does not apply a second 'stack' of bleed. It simply means the effect will last that much longer.
Opener - Scarlet Dust : A small AoE. 5x5. Moderate Damage. Causes bleed with every tick of damage sustained.
Basic - Blood Miasma : Upon cast, for 8 seconds, every time the enemy suffers a bleed tick, a single cloud of miasma will shoot from you, to the opponent. The projectile is deleted on contact. Range of 10 tiles. Deals 1.5SD. Cooldown of 20s.
Basic - Bonds of Blood : Upon cast, three 'Scarlet Circle' runes surround you, these should overlap to form something of a 'trinity' formation. Grants 10% AP within the formation. Heals 2SD per bleed tick. GCDE. (Imagine a 5x5 radius.)
Basic - Bleeding Whip : It's fucking blood whip. It just gives you 100% bleed chance.
Basic - Scarlet Circle : Reduces enemy DR by 10%. If the enemy is bleeding, their DR is reduced by 25%. Same whirlydoos. 
Aura - Blood Pall : Normal blood aura except you get the .5SD heal tick passively.
Intermediate - Blood Sacrifice : Same as it currently is.
Intermediate - Coagulate : Heals the enemy for 2.5SD. Their wounds are healed. Enemy healing gives 0 health for 8s. Cooldown of 20s. This does not heal the bleeding status.
Intermediate - Bloodbath : Fires 4 bloodbeams in each direction. Deals 8SD. Applies bleed. Applies a red tinted semi-transparent 'blind' effect for twice the time of the standard blind. Similar CD to normal bloodbeam.
Mastery - Severance : Lmao it's severance but applies bleed.

You turn to tell me if you love it or hate it, but I am already gone.
I'm a busy man, but you knew that.
You wonder what could have been.

Messages In This Thread
Blood is a Terrible Tree -- An Opinion. - by Avee - 01-26-2023, 09:31 PM

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