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A New Heir
A relatively surprising announcement would be posted around the realm of Dal'thala, words ushered by members of the Elzara and employees of the royal court. A new heir to one of the Diarchy's thrones, a successor to Queen Aurona Caewynn, a new Crown Princess.

Suzuki Hino, now head of the newly established noble of Hino has been publicly declared to be Queen Aurona's successor for her half of the Diarchy, after a public offer in the town square left both herself and onlookers surprised. Her appointment was made in an almost unceremonious way, but none the less rumours have spread that she has taken to her role faithfully with the hire of two new Faeborn retainers of the Del Fleur family, as well as taking lessons in Wylden and Faeborn culture to make sure that the realm stays peaceful in the unlikely event that Queen Aurona passes.

Quote:Dor'alanor, I know that this may come as a surprise to many of you, but know that it has come at an even greater surprise to myself. However, I have made a promise to the Queen, Nemea and also my own faith in Jiuweihu to uphold the honours and traditions of the realm. I wish nothing more than to see my fellow citizens prosper and flourish in these times, as well as this I also have no intention on making any sweeping changes or reforms should I take the throne as Queen.

I promise to uphold the Diarchy with whomever Lady Aurona sees fit to take the second throne, as well as work closely with the Caewynn and Avarion families to make sure that noble traditions and voices are allowed to flourish. If anyone wishes to talk to me for anything at all, whether they need a friendly ear or a shoulder to lean on, or perhaps someone who needs aid, I shall be forever here to listen and help.

With that the new Crown Princess of Dal'thala would sneak away from the massing crowd where she could be seen working diligently on her mother's farm, making sure that supplies will be there for any future threat that Dal'thala may face. Threats that she will stand alongside her fellow countrymen to defend.

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A New Heir - by vampirezero - 12-07-2022, 06:33 PM

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