![[Image: BorderTop.png]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/927980662768697405/1005476769396162590/BorderTop.png)
A certain Queen's Guard of a moth would wander about Delphina, her gaze spotting a nearby flyer that managed to soar past her.
Snatching it from the air, Kelika would read its contents. Her eyes squinted, before she laughed at the desperate pleas of the traitorous former Delphinian
who pushed for the destruction of her homeland rather than choosing to defend it as Kelika and her kin had done.
She would rush to her hive, waving about the flyer to ridicule it in a combined effort of the hivekin and her.
Laughter roared from the underground hive that sat below the Great Tree.
This wasn't real, was it? It couldn't be. Who even was this person?
Laughter roared from the underground hive that sat below the Great Tree.
This wasn't real, was it? It couldn't be. Who even was this person?
Kelika had no idea.
She would speak words in response to these accusations and threats:
She would speak words in response to these accusations and threats:
![[Image: unknown.png]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006420822946218055/1013216339093094580/unknown.png)
![[Image: Border.png]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/925234680901546025/1005471117093392524/Border.png)