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First Encounter Cap Kills - A Novel.
I recall saying this on spires before - having someone make a thread about something I did - and let me tell you what I said last time.

"It happens."


[Quick edit]

I have asked plenty of times for there to be a system in place on that the system being this.

Free flees after battle. Every character has a free flee from another character once per year! - but at the next chance of the character meeting up with the person again and getting capped they are allowed to be killed - however if its a new year and the person caps them again they may do a secondary escape attempt - by /flee , or something like that I didn't really think about it that much but I am sure there is some way to work around it - I also think that will make more conflict as well as per people just going out in injuring people they have never fought before - over the years but eventually everyone dies anyway so.. /shrug/

Messages In This Thread
First Encounter Cap Kills - A Novel. - by Heals - 02-03-2020, 06:50 PM
RE: First Encounter Cap Kills - A Novel. - by Tre - 02-04-2020, 04:24 AM
RE: First Encounter Cap Kills - A Novel. - by Tre - 02-04-2020, 02:11 PM

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