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The Invitation
[Image: 6514d967eca755757e0c7b8caace6092.jpg]

The Invitation:
A young woman who lived a normal pampered life soon had it all turned upside down as her family dis-owned her when they figured out the type of magic she had been studying. Lost, nothing more than a wanderer now she found a home where those who inhabited it would welcome her...the days went by before she'd get a mysterious letter from what would seem to be a relative. A invitation to the old Hecate Mansion. The letter including that the writer knew all about The young woman known as Blair Hecate and what she'd been studying. A helping hand, or so it would seem to be...with this in mind she would decide to accept the invite.
Quote: Wrote:
"I've been watching you closely young Hecate. I know what you have been up to and I know what you seek. Our family had that same reaction to me as well...Come, I will give you the knowledge you wish for...should you prove worthy."

Attendees: Blair Hecate, Ryzen Hecate, Kuro,  Light Delarosa, Sombra Grace(may change, 4 spots left)
Risk: LCOD
Themes: HEAVY Witch theme, Occult, Spooky, Dark, Horror.
Rewards: To be Discussed.
DM: Searching
Contact Information: SkarSkorpa#7717

Messages In This Thread
The Invitation - by ValroseEmpire - 02-15-2022, 07:06 AM
RE: The Invitation - by TheEternalFlame - 02-20-2022, 12:16 AM
RE: The Invitation - by Raffile - 02-20-2022, 12:57 AM
RE: The Invitation - by Odd - 03-01-2022, 04:45 PM
RE: The Invitation - by XxNaetheriusxX - 03-05-2022, 07:41 PM
RE: The Invitation - by Unicorns - 03-17-2022, 04:09 PM
RE: The Invitation - by ValroseEmpire - 04-03-2022, 09:47 PM
RE: The Invitation - by Pixel - 04-06-2022, 03:22 PM
RE: The Invitation - by Lt. Heart - 04-06-2022, 05:50 PM

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