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White Lion Enterprises!
White Lion Enterprises: Now Open for Business!

[Image: aceece21f1a5e4778f6197940b2841dc.png]
We have moved! 

Now in the heart of the city of Asphodel, White Lion Enterprises wishes to serve all of Esshar with its offerings and opportunities. Offering the most advanced and high-tech equipment available; artificers and alchemists of all shapes and sizes are welcome to engage in our workshop for any projects they wish to undertake. Along with being a building for such crafters to flourish, White Lion Enterprises doubles as a medical guild for research and
patient care. Budding crafters and researchers of all shapes and sizes are welcome through its doors. We welcome you all with open arms!

Any aspiring researchers, Alchemists, crafters, medics, and mercenaries are encouraged to contact Irys Lauriel or her manager, Claire Everfrost for potential opportunities. We look forward to your patronage and loyalty..
Quote:Current Services:
  • Public Crafting Station
  • Medical facilities for treating magi and magic related illnesses or injuries
  • We purchase materials, ores, and reagents for a fair price without contract. If you are willing to sell your materials, please see Irys Lauriel or Claire Everfrost.
  • Irys Lauriel offers her services in crafting unique items and weapons. With the right price and materials, that is. Her speciality lies in Magitech weaponry, and is way better than what the Blue Unicorn has to offer, of course..
  • Free trauma kits are offered to all prospective employees of White Lion Enterprises. As well as Asphodelian citizens.
  • Rumors have it that Irys is researching how to create more illegal forms of Alchemy. Ones that may or may not have to do with a copious amount of Fairy Powder she has been stockpiling. If anyone is interested in such research, feel free to seek her out for more details.

Quote:Current Requests:

  • Alchemical reagents, ores, and materials are always in demand. For a fair price, Irys is willing to take them off your hands without any contract or strings attached.
  • Donations toward the facility for trauma kits are welcome, but not required in any way shape or form.
  • Irys is looking for people with the potential and knowledge to reverse engineer a certain yellow substance. Along with this, aspiring mercenaries and artificers are encouraged to seek her out for potential hiring opportunities. Anyone who is willing to trek with her toward Pauper and the ruined city of Achyon for a potential research expedition is...also a plus.

Events and potential public events are to be determined. However, rumor has it that the mysterious woman does have a few plans lurking within that mind of hers. Who's to really know what they are until she announces them....

Messages In This Thread
White Lion Enterprises! - by Zetsubo - 08-12-2021, 04:40 AM
RE: White Lion Enterprises! - by Zetsubo - 08-25-2021, 08:55 PM

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