08-09-2021, 03:17 PM
(This post was last modified: 08-09-2021, 04:28 PM by GrompStomp55.)
![[Image: reachforthestars.png]](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/872322547595771994/874292735996219392/reachforthestars.png)
![[Image: ecclesia.png?width=470&height=676]](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/872322547595771994/874292809979539516/ecclesia.png?width=470&height=676)
With advancement in the Church of Celestialism, Stellus Ithiel akh Arthesio has taken initiative to make medical practicum and its knowledge more accessible through the Church's vast libraries. Furthermore, appendments are made to the Codex Cosmos - explaining the Astyan principles of love and their application to a modern day lifestyle. These acts are explained through a brief speech made to the member of clergy during one of his sermons.
Quote:As a new dawn rises over the Shimmering City, I believe it paramount to ensure that the future is well-equipped with the tools it needs to contribute in our fast moving society. We tend to sometimes become lost in our advancements - taking for granted what our predecessors have done for us. They have fought tooth and nail, researched complex topics and built the pillars that the new generation now stands on.
To them, we must be grateful - even as we build onward.
In honor of one such individual - Alistair ven Pelleaux - I'm pleased to announce that his iconic Medical Tome will be published and made accessible through the Church's grand library. Not only will this increase the number of certified doctors in our city, but it will create a generation well-versed in perhaps one of the most benevolent trades to have graced our world. Good luck to you aspiring doctors, and come see me should you need further guidance.
Quote:Furthermore, I'd like to announce appendments to the Codex Cosmos - my first modification of our sacred text. We cannot hope to understand our heavenly watchers if we first cannot understand our mankind. I believe this is knowledge that should be available not just to the clergy, but to our bright city as a whole. We spend our lives learning lessons, so I'm merely sharing something that I myself learned during my youth.
The Astyan Principles of Love. Through my long tenure as an Acolyte of the Church, I've learned that our ancestors believed in four main types of love;
- First, there is Storge - this is love from familiarity, such as one between parent and child. This, from a young age, opens the doors in your heart to accept the other types of love that come later in life.
- Second, there is Philia - true friendship. As you frequent people and build a strong circle, you will develop this love and find comfort in commonality. This love is diverse, and it's extremely important in human development.
- Third, there is Eros - intimacy. This love is found between two people who love and admire each other deeply - most commonly found in relationships, marriages and the like. I believe this love to be sanctified, and it should not be extended toward another carelessly - for heartbreak is a terrible mistress.
- Finally, there is the most important type of love - Agape. Agape is the unconditional love of His children. Some say we cannot truly experience the Creator's grace unless we begin to love mankind as the Creator loves us. We should strive to help and uplift His children out of the kindness of our hearts, rather than desire for rewards or benefits. This love is undying, and is a fundamental pillar of humanity. Understand Agape, and the heavens will understand you - love is the language of angels.
In hopes of expanding the Church's already vast library, the Stellus and his clergy are accepting book donations!
Should you wish to contribute your hidden knowledge to the people of Osrona, you may come see members of the Faith and grant them permission to use your book.
Stars guide us - hic sunt stellae.