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Shaqdaddy94Burly News
Burly News 

Time for a special edition of the Burly News

Alexei Pyr Docro

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 The Interview you all been waiting for.

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Burly: "How are you feeling at the moment?" 

Alexei: "Splendid." "You could say I've had a second jolt of passion recently. Never been quite so full of life."

Burly: "Don Docro. A father, a leader, and even some would call one the most ruthless people of Esshar. What was your child hood like being a Docro? What trials did you go through to become the Don? How did it feel killing someone for the first time? And what is the weapon you carry on you?"

Alexei: "My childhood was a period that I'm quite fond of. My mother, Matryona, was the former commander of Achyon, and the finest, strictest drill instructor one could ask for, and she made no exception for her children. But it was an enjoyable kind of dilligence that taught me the worth of a good challenge."
"As a member of the original class of Starfall Academy, my teen years were eventful to say the least. I joined mostly to make connections and to study our enemies. There, I met Violet Vartuul, now a Dragonlord, and Dallan, a man twice dead. When not in class I recall meeting my father, Ryker, in the Shadowmire woods to pick up sylavanum deliviries -- you can say I started to learn the family trade early."

"Trials to become the Don, now that we could get stuck in the weeds with. You see, I never set out to become the head of our family. My support was put behind Dominik, a cousin and the son of Luca. In my early twenties he was caught in the east... rumor has it he was visiting his lover, an outlaw by the name of Celicia, a member of Bruno Aertas's cult. And there he was found by Dallan and Meia and slain."

"My thoughts immediately turned to revenge. Nobody can kill a Docro and get away with it. I hunted the two of them, and eventually found and cornered Meia to the south of our city, where I tied her up in thorned bindings and dragged her back. A cruxifixion was prepared. On the same night that Osrona attacked Silverwall, the life of Meia hung in the balance, with myself and Dallan fighting to the death --"
"-- he survived, somehow. Lost his sanity in the process. She did not."
"...And my sister, Xenia, may she rest in peace, was similarly killed by Osronans.So there was just me left and my crazy cousin, Emilee, when Don Luca passed his judgements. You can call it survival of the fittest."

"This weapon?" "This is the synthetic sword, forged by Amelia Aertas. One of her finest works. The blade can come apart as flying pieces of metal... Useful if you want to butcher someone with a few dozen daggers. It's called Crossroad."

Burly: "So the world wants to know. Why did you kill Natasha? Did you kill Howl Grace for his actions or to make his brother angry? What insane adventure did you partake on as a Docro? What moment made you feel the greatest joy? And how did Andromeda death effect you?"

Alexei: "When I married her, never did I think it'd end like that. I loved that woman, I truly did - with all of my heart. I rescued her from the wrath of the Fireblooded in our youth and I'd have destroyed the world itself to protect her during our marriage, but somewhere along the way I think she began to have second thoughts."

"I'm not sure where it began exactly... complaints about me being busy and away from home with running our empire, paranoia that I was cheating on her... It broke down and it ended badly, no matter what I said or did. She had lost the plot, and when we were in Asphodel, I told her to leave rather than to grovel at the boots ofthe vampires."

"It escalated. Battle after battle. At the end of it she charged at me and set herself aflame, suicidal for sure - so I snapped."

"My hand found her throat. I squeezed. Twisted. Crack. She was dead."

"Both. Howl took my rival from me, Dimitri Asimov. No way in Hel was I going to show mercy to him. The fact it inspired Cedar to be more entertaining was just the cherry on top."

"There was the time where we went into the shadow lands-- the very edge of the world, and discovered a certain someone. Andromeda, yes. Her passing has left me feeling bitter and angry, a need for vengeance in my gut. And at the same time, I think she should be proud of the life she led, becauseI know I am. If only it could have went further."

"Ah... my wedding day, ironically. Everything was perfect at the time, then the children followed and I was surrounded by constant inspiration. Even sylvanum didn't quite compare. It's funny how life gives and takes, isn't it?"

Burly: "Who is the new love you come to present to the world? What will you do once you step down? What is your biggest regret? And what is the best treasure you ever come across?"

"What words would you like to say to the people of Esshar?"

Alexei:  "No, Andromeda was a remnant of the plague Saekanis wrought on Esshar all those generations ago. And when given life, she used a girl as a host, but the stronger she became the more her true self demanded energy -- First sugary snacks, then people, then Eternia itself. A devourer."

"Oh, please... Why don't you find out for yourself, if you happen to see her? Illythia is... Exemplary. I'm sure, much like me, you'll be charmed. I can only hope my own reputation doesn't endanger her."

"Continue what I've been doing. Produce new products -- If you see Daydream on the market, be sure to try it. And my loyalties will take me to Asphodel where things I can't quite speak on in public will take up my time."

"My sister died in war. Executed in front of my very eyes. I ran so fast, stumbled and crawled to her as arrows flew overhead. Watched as her skull was cracked. Xenia pyr Docro. A fire cracker. My sibling. We were fighting when she was killed like that -- we never made up, really. So if I could see her one last time and embrace her, you know?"

And what is the best treasure you ever come across?

"Oh, well, fuck. There's too many. Yahoel, Crossroad, Insatiable -- All incredible swords. The Tome of Ingress, written by Nyphadora herself. The armor I'm wearing right now, Sisphyus, linked to the Worldscape through void magic. The Docro treasures are vast, but by far and large the greatest one is my children."
"Family is Everything."

"Show a little respect to your Don."

Fight for Fort Umbra

Shadowmire vs Asphodel vs Mox

As the tensions would rise in the air. So would the footsteps of war to come. It was time for a epic battle for the claiming of Fort Umbra. This battle would not only bring out the best of fighters but also the shocking endings. 

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Many battles would occur and it was shown. 

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Nestis vs Queen Falkenrath

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Alexei pyr Docro vs Sibyl Cirque

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Prince Ambrose vs Cedar Grace

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Rhyme King Rigs vs Ilya pyr Docro

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Thorn Meztili vs Revna Rune

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Sebastian Falkenrath vs Smurg

Many other battles but the results were undeniable. 

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Asphodel and Mox advanced on to the destruction of the Fort. Though many would see that Sebastian had brought down the almighty Smurg. Ending the orge life and marking his new title. Orge Killer

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Though as they push on it was then that the unexpected would happen. 

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Sebastian vs Ektu Grace
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Cedar vs Revna Rune

Many would be in shock as many important figures would meet their end in this battle. With a plea from her husband denied Revna even in death door stayed proud and died as she lived. Alexander Vol Hellstorm captured. We do not know of his fate. And as for Fort Umbra. It would be destroyed and shattered into nothing. One can say this was indeed far from over. 

Moxtli - 3, Asphodel - 3, Mire - 2 -Adrian Ivanovich vs Nestis - Asphodel -Autumn Wicks vs Aranha - Asphodel -Vrana, Morven vs Ky, Sohan - Asphodel Sebastian vs Ektu Grace - Moxtli Blair vs Cypress Grace - Moxtli Revna Rune vs Cedar Grace - Moxtli CAP +Auberon Invidia vs Nanzo - Mire +Annete vs Rigs - Mire

Victory for Asphodel and Mox!

Marriage of Alexei pyr Docro and Illythia

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It was time for the beautiful ceremony between the Don and his loving wife. Both in stylish outfits and showing of true class and style. Many guest of all places showing up. Indeed a eventful event. 

The Queen of Asphodel would bind the two in the ceremony. 

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Others watching on.

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With vows exchanged and kiss given to mark the day of two lovers new beginnings.

Alexei pyr Docro and Illythia pyr Docro!

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Dawn of a new Don

After the wedding ceremony. It was time for the three boys to step up the the plate. Ilya, Nikolai and Seth.

Each young man had a chance to show their father they can take the mantle of the new Dawn!

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Each of them giving their speeches. Everyone would proceed to the Docro Mansion. 

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Three battling for the title and the famous sword. Yahoel, The Mechanical Angel

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It was first Seth vs Nikolai

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Though he fought hard Seth fell. 

The next was Nikolai vs Ilya

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With the two giving a hard fought battle. Ilya would pull off the win. 

And with the great title and weapon handed to him. 

Respect your new Don Ilya pyr Docro!

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OOC note: This part 1 of this article just alot to publish and time. So yeah. Others will be done soon. And for heavens sake. DM me for your interview my brain can only handle so many task and time. I work as well so i am tired and exhausted at times. This is alot so thank you all for supporting me. #GiveBurlyGuildCoin
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RE: Burly News - by Shaqdaddy94 - 07-17-2021, 01:34 AM
RE: Burly News - by Shaqdaddy94 - 07-17-2021, 04:19 AM
RE: Burly News - by Shaqdaddy94 - 07-18-2021, 03:01 AM
RE: Burly News - by Shaqdaddy94 - 07-27-2021, 12:41 AM
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