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Dooo de dooop!~
I mentioned art in my introduction, right? I just started back after about 5 years away from arting. I do NOT do commissions but if I like the character and stuff and I get a feel for them, I tend to pop out something. I'm not being mean but this is my hobby. The moment there's money involved, it's a job. No one likes working. Well. I like working but I also want there to be a separation!

[Image: 5kpKCUq.png]

One of those is a WIP. Also, they're best viewed closely. I feel like they lose something when you crush them for forum standards...


[Image: XEK6FIZ.png]

Anyways. I just want a place to post my stuff. I really don't do commissions because once a hobby starts to get money, it becomes a job. Also, this has been excellent because I'm not used to coloring this way so it's been fun!

Everyone say hello to the player for Neklous!

Messages In This Thread
Dooo de dooop!~ - by Crumbs - 12-23-2019, 06:16 PM
RE: Dooo de dooop!~ - by Owl - 12-23-2019, 06:24 PM
RE: Dooo de dooop!~ - by SMoto - 12-24-2019, 05:30 AM

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