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M a g m a
Suggestion: Buff it

Where to start, where to start...

Let's start with slide, then. Magma Slide is 30 RPP, and for the price, you get a wave that's supposed to apply mud on impact and deal good damage, 5 tiles wide. If it worked as described, I probably wouldn't have many complaints. Except it doesn't. The initial tick doesn't apply mud, the AoE does. Which means that if you dodge the aoe by a well-time dash or some other method, it only hits you with the initial tick of 7 spell damage. At 200 pow, it was doing 1300 initial damage. For 30 RPP. For comparison, at 200 pow, great fire wave, a 20 rpp intermediate in the base fire tome dealt about 2300-2500 damage or so. That's... Wow. Oh, and for someone who asks 'but CD?', GFW is 29s. Magma Wave is 30s.

Magma AoE is 15 RPP and is one of the smallest in the game. I'm unsure if there's *any* AoE smaller, but there's at least one of equal size. Sand AoE. You're gonna see a comparison to Sand again in the future. Sand AoE, while having a significantly weaker initial tick/aoe damage, roots the target, setting them up for a variety of follow-up spells. Fatal, whips, beams, etc. Magma AoE does deal more damage, but in a small AoE that applies no CC whatsoever, and is incredibly easy to avoid due to its size. Oh, and if you're questioning CDsc sand AoE is 25s CD, while magma is 23s. Let's show you a comparison to another AoE you can get if you go down the magma path.

What a difference, for the same RPP. Scorch might deal less damage, but when it's this much easier to land, the damage will be incredibly consistent, which I value over big numbers that you'll only land against an idiot.

Volcanic Barrier is an immunity button, something many trees have now. Let's do a comparison. Iron Body has a 26s CD, and lasts for 5s, and is a self-root. Nothing else. Barrier of Sand has a 25s CD, lasts 8s, and fires an aoe of projectiles around the user every 1s to discourage someone standing next to you waiting for an opening. Projectiles do modest damage. Mistform lasts 3s, has a 31s CD, and allows you movement while in use. Volcanic Barrier lasts 10s, has a 30s CD, and is a self-root.

Long CD, nothing keeps people from standing on top of you, while the long duration ensures that whatever spell they'll want to use as you emerge will be off CD. Sand immunity literally does the same thing, but is slightly shorter, has a *shorter CD*, and fires damaging projectiles which have an impressive enough range that it'll usually hit someone at least once.

The only decent spell in Magma is the aura, which is 8% DR and 15 Pow, but with the ever increasing number of AP increasing auras and bladestyles... Maybe it's enough, but maybe not.

In conclusion, buff magma for the love of god. Make the AoE bigger, apply mud on initial ticks, give the wave more damage. There's a reason out of the massive number of players still on E3, *no one* has gone Magma in a noticeable way, myself aside, the success of which I attribute to fire *in spite* of magma rather than because of it.

Messages In This Thread
M a g m a - by CrystikRage - 12-17-2019, 04:40 PM
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RE: M a g m a - by Joshua - 12-17-2019, 07:40 PM
RE: M a g m a - by Jetniss - 12-18-2019, 04:04 AM
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RE: M a g m a - by SmugGod - 12-18-2019, 04:21 PM
RE: M a g m a - by Jetniss - 12-18-2019, 11:14 PM
RE: M a g m a - by CrystikRage - 12-19-2019, 10:58 PM
RE: M a g m a - by Jetniss - 12-19-2019, 11:02 PM
RE: M a g m a - by CrystikRage - 12-19-2019, 11:06 PM
RE: M a g m a - by CrystikRage - 12-20-2019, 07:53 PM
RE: M a g m a - by BrahmsFrost - 12-23-2019, 02:47 AM

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