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Still not dead... Bounty raised to 70k
(11-10-2020, 02:40 AM)Shaqdaddy94 Wrote: A letter sent back. 

"You right you did defeat me. But now i have a much higher reason to end your existence. I propose a honor duel of death. You vs me one last time and one of us doesnt come back. We ending this once and for all. If you accept this we meet on the field below the mounain near the bridge. (Tuesday at 6pm est)

"This will be the end of one of us. Because the matter is personal now."

A paper airplane fly's its way towards you, once unfolded it states:

"I did not intend to risk my own life to kill you. Killing you brings me no satisfaction, its just the pain of what your death will do to Theia that I am interested in. To put it simply: I have no desire to kill you myself. 

If I were to want a honor dual with anyone it would be Theia. Though to be honest I don't think I can hurt her.. Not physically at least it was the reason I put the bounty on you to begin with. I tell you this now because I do not know if Theia had the nerve to tell you herself. I simply wish to hurt her in a similar fashion to how she hurt me... but I digress.

if you would insist on the honor dual then I will meet you." (Though it will have to be at 8pm est. Lemme get off work and eat T-T)

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RE: Still not dead... Bounty raised to 70k - by Hillika - 11-10-2020, 04:38 AM

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