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Part 3 of Fru's Demands[Completely (un)Warranted] (COMING SOON!)
But every time I message Dani we either say mean things to one another or he just sends my the touch pp emote and honestly I don’t know what they are asking for but I think they are looking for a strong man to steal them away from all of this drama, so yeah I’m lambasting Dani.

What the fuck do you want from me, babe.

Angry make-up ERP or what because honestly I’m getting a lot of mixed signals honey and maybe we need to talk it out over some keto-friendly dinner once your internet gets fixed. Idk I guess we just need to figure “us” out because this weird love triangle we have with him is really getting in the way of what might become a beautiful partnership. We could even bring him along if you wanted, he can watch if you’re into that kind of thing.

You know what maybe it’s not worth it, maybe we’re meant to be this way, hon. Sometimes we just need to accept that we can’t get along with someone despite wanting too, you’re an administrator and I’m a shitposter. It’s a forbidden love, like oil and water.

He treats me better anyway....

Oh fuck also I forgot to make my effortpost last night because with all the IC drama I wanted to shoot myself in the fucking face, sorry guys I’ll do it today when I get off work assuming I’ve not been crushed by heavy equipment.

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RE: Part 2 of Fru's Demands[Completely (un)Warranted] - by Avee - 05-14-2020, 12:39 PM

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