05-13-2020, 09:27 PM
Well after reading this, I'd like to say that I do agree with Fru (or is it Feferi now? So confused) in terms of the Apps situation. Where some people have taken effort and get a N while others with less effort get a Y.
I try to show people my favorite app, since it's great as an example:
Ilui Elisheva Cruel Thesis http://spires.pixel-realms.net/forums/sh...p?tid=6686
But not everyone knows how to make a non forced arc. Which is also why I advice people to have Triggers.
Example, assuming I could play further, Caleb's triggers will always affect him no matter what:
•Occultism must be Purged. This trigger forces him to look for a way to do so.
•Osrona's way is not his and if he could, he'd change things, starting with the Faith. This means that for him, the whole execution of a witch is unbearable as he wants to save them.
However, his way he would have not considered freewill like those who do choose exorcism. Thus he might 'think' he is doing it right, but is he?
The issue with people getting a N, is that they have it hard with understanding to build an arc for story, more than for a hidden. Mine might not even work. My character might die. But his triggers make him forge on independent of anyone's reasoning.
Dimmie brought this to attention in this:
Yes, yes I'm a scatter brain when I'm multi tasking, but I enjoy research.
Also if you look for example at multiple of these apps, you'll notice the story has a theme and arc, the character has 'triggers' such as being racist to Rhoynish. Or believing the other mortals will always be wrong in the face of a Teraphim. And most of all they have something that id antagonistic to them. Even if its all in their mind.
See Jingle Jangles for a great example of a wild, but incredibly thematic character who actually wanted Oblivion and even backstabbed their own allies.
Or like Milly's example of Sybelle being nice to Nemein until she poisoned him.
Not everyone understand this. Not everyone can build an arc. Some do. Some don't. Biggest tip I learn from Fru and Bog is going for a development item which gives a clue as to what you can do to progress. They always have triggers, they always have good traits and bad traits. They build a character that is not there for the ride but actually run the train.
I try to show people my favorite app, since it's great as an example:
Ilui Elisheva Cruel Thesis http://spires.pixel-realms.net/forums/sh...p?tid=6686
But not everyone knows how to make a non forced arc. Which is also why I advice people to have Triggers.
Example, assuming I could play further, Caleb's triggers will always affect him no matter what:
•Occultism must be Purged. This trigger forces him to look for a way to do so.
•Osrona's way is not his and if he could, he'd change things, starting with the Faith. This means that for him, the whole execution of a witch is unbearable as he wants to save them.
However, his way he would have not considered freewill like those who do choose exorcism. Thus he might 'think' he is doing it right, but is he?
The issue with people getting a N, is that they have it hard with understanding to build an arc for story, more than for a hidden. Mine might not even work. My character might die. But his triggers make him forge on independent of anyone's reasoning.
Dimmie brought this to attention in this:
Yes, yes I'm a scatter brain when I'm multi tasking, but I enjoy research.
Also if you look for example at multiple of these apps, you'll notice the story has a theme and arc, the character has 'triggers' such as being racist to Rhoynish. Or believing the other mortals will always be wrong in the face of a Teraphim. And most of all they have something that id antagonistic to them. Even if its all in their mind.
See Jingle Jangles for a great example of a wild, but incredibly thematic character who actually wanted Oblivion and even backstabbed their own allies.
Or like Milly's example of Sybelle being nice to Nemein until she poisoned him.
Not everyone understand this. Not everyone can build an arc. Some do. Some don't. Biggest tip I learn from Fru and Bog is going for a development item which gives a clue as to what you can do to progress. They always have triggers, they always have good traits and bad traits. They build a character that is not there for the ride but actually run the train.