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Part 3 of Fru's Demands[Completely (un)Warranted] (COMING SOON!)
It's really funny.. I was going to say that I agree with you, but I could never agree with a petty, rude, evil, conniving, snivelling, worthless, condescending, overbearing, underwhelming, overrated, disgusting, smelly, stinky, untalented, unskilled, unhinged, underachieving, toxic, poisonous, venomous,  disappointing, undeserving, unsatisfactory, underperforming, despicable.... un, like you. Maybe if you acted like less of an ill-mannered, impolite, discourteous, impertinent, insolent, cheeky, ill-bred, abusive, vile, villainous, a degenerate, WRETCHED, miserable, malicious, spiteful, malignant, NASTY, bitchy, reeking, and crusty as hell brat people would be more inclined to agree with u. 

remove volcano.

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RE: Fru's Demands[Completely (un)Warranted] - by Connor - 05-07-2020, 05:10 PM

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