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The Aphrosian Dogmata [Coming to stores soon!]

In preparation for the incoming battle, and revolt, the Villain decides to release an entire chapter as promotional material. This is clearly to encourage people to buy his book, whenever it is released.

Chapter 3: The Self
[Image: f751a728ab441c154f7042a698b5f1a4.jpg]
The Self
The self is the most important part of the mortal disposition, that is why all mortals act within self-interest. There-in you see, undead who are forced into a world, and because they believe it is within their own interest to persist, they do so.
Leaders must be self-interested, and they must act in a manner that is beneficial for their rule. It is for that purpose, individuals must appear to act in the interest of others, even when they are truly not upon their side.
I said I would be empirical, so let me speak of the facts, Diallos Equisol had been aided and abetted by the Prosperans in an attempt to further perpetuate an interest unknown to others.
One might pose, at the time Londo was not a part of the Republic and Diallos had been. If Diallos ultimately had claimed the throne of Londo, it would've become a Republican state under the Equisol name. One, of many.
Ultimately, Diallos invaded Londo with the force of the Frontier, and Midpoint. This serves directly contrary to the interests of the Republic, Diallos acted within his own self interest which in turn, would benefit the Frontier as, having used their strength to claim a new throne, they would expect his subservience to them. The Republic did not mount any defense for the state of Londo, as it was not an ally.
It was a neutral state, and due to not abiding by the interests of either the west, or east, it would stand alone. To be crushed as it appeared to only serve its own interests, instead of others, like Diallos.
The self is inherently vile.
It must be contained.

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RE: The Aphrosian Dogmata [Coming to stores soon!] - by Benyah - 10-31-2024, 11:38 PM

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