09-14-2024, 03:04 PM
Across the North a storm builds, the winds carry a precursor for the day to come. It beats against the wooden buildings of Xuefeng and the shackles atop the roofs rattle as if chimes lost to the wind. Within the western reaches of the nation lies the Shrine of the Fourfold, often frequented by priests who walk in the path the Emperor left for the people of Sheng, it too for nearly all of the Shogun's free time is her housing.
An open tome sits upon the tatami mats, its cover crafted by the taken scales of a demon ages old, ruby marbles decorating its spine. The Irontail adopts her seiza, she writes within the tome her story to come. As if she is able to make reality alone with the words given to the book which nearly always orbits her.
It has been three long years, tasks handed to nearly every magi within her Empire, each with a role to play. But now as the day approaches, there is no more to do. Only a hope in her heart that she can accept what she had done as enough, that there was nothing left to give, that she had done her all to prepare a newly growing Empire for the task ahead. Outside of the window, the caw of phoenix calls her attention as a dark feather dances through the air and lands at her feet.
A visit to Sheng, bringing back troops from a distant home. The production of ships within the ports of Aegis to ready their defense. A call of magical beasts to defend the north and appointing a ruler in Efespane. Upon many other things, the Shogun oversaw. But there lies one last.
Relic personal to her, one reborn within the very shrine she sits within as she comes to stand and make her way to its center. Upon a hook lies the amulet.
The Emperor's Authority