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The Tribunal presents: Judgement I
In the aftermath of the clash between West and East, at the border of The Republic´s domains, the Order´s mounted heralds were once more free to return to their duties, yet this time as opposed to delivering and pinning flyers or announcements, they were now taking letters.

For with the threat of immediate war at the homefront dealt with, the Trial of Aaliyah Khalas resumes, and with it, the summoning of a voting jury from amongst the Kingdoms and States of the Peninsula, as well as their citizenry.
Only time would tell which would have their request for attendance approved, and who would be met with silence.

The Time of Judgement nears.

For a Jury was to be assembled.
Closing date: Wednesday, 7th of August

Messages In This Thread
Judgement I - The Jury Assembles - by Coroneljones - 08-04-2024, 12:58 AM
Judgement Nears - by Coroneljones - 08-12-2024, 07:05 PM
Judgement Rendered - by Coroneljones - 08-16-2024, 04:39 PM

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