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A World of Pure Imagination~
[Image: k46ac3xper7.jpg]
"I've seen so many poeple now. Either they come to me, or even as I am now, I end up going to them."
"It's always been a beautiful experience to share in those moments with them. Whether it be brief, or a long conversation about even politics..."
"Friends, Family... and even those whom I've not met. I want to apologize to all of them."
"I feel as though I could do more for them. I can, do more for them..."
"With every sense of realization of who I am. Who I am to be..."
"It's finally dawned on me that I've found something I truly love doing."
"I love learning. Even with all that I've learned, I've much more to seek and strive for."
"I love giving what I've learned back to those who want to further themselves."
"All of you are amazing, with how excited you are when you approach me to learn something amongst your own goals."
"I'll do all I can to help. Even if small, everything will matter in the end."
"So for those whom I've not met, I wish to and will cherish our time together."
"For those who I have met, I'm so sorry I've not spent more time with you, I'll be sure to try and change that now."
"There are so many people I want to save... so many people I see that come to me even now with injuries of those whom bring pain."
"Ever since I was a child, I've been interested in helping others. From becoming a Medical official and getting my liescene.."
"To learning Holy Magic and having it's mending properties help those in need."
"To having such wonderful friends and family who even now shine brighter than I ever will."
"I thank you, for all those memories. I'll cherish them, and you. Always."
"Even now, It feels like I'm seeing two sides... I feel incomplete, I wonder when I'll be whole again.

- Love, Fantasy P. Kasca[Image: SwES7N6.gif]

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RE: A World of Pure Imagination~ - by VibeEntertainment - 06-20-2024, 04:27 AM

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