VolatileSome Quality of Life Changes.
They would still get X amount of checks a day (if the time is switched to 3 hours that opens them to at most, 8 checks. 6 cheecks, if 4 hours.) And allows them to space out their rpp. it has the same effect with moderting the amount of checks but also encourages taking breaks between rp sessions 'oh im qualified for the next 3 hours time to go take a shower' and such like that.
My discord is Vi#6600
(03-21-2020, 07:01 PM)chance Wrote: i think i do personally prefer a 3 hour timer because it paces the rate of RPP gain a little more, steadies it so you aren't getting 10+ checks a day. that and using /rpp to aim for a check every hour while playing isn't really the kind of behaviour we want to encourage

but since i don't mind a whole lot either way, the majority vote can decide:

upvote if you want a 3 hour timer
downvote if you want a 1 hour timer

while I think tori’s suggestion is good and actually pretty necessary, I don’t want this to be 3 hours, but rather 2 instead. It feels healthier imo.
[Image: trio.png]
I'd be fine with 2 hours, even. I think naywhere from 2-4 hour region would be good. but I went with 3 in the original suggestion for a middleground.
The game is just really focused on making it so those that spend every living moment on Eternia.

It is why i made the suggested change to Mining and how it works too, I feel it will allow people todo what they need to while they are on, and be able to take breaks.
My discord is Vi#6600
Opt-In System in which you can have all of your RPP gained for a day given to you as one lump sum upon 12AM server time or on log-in. This also would disable the /rpp function.

Not mandatory, just opt-in.

Please don’t oppress me.

I just like different things guys.

Unlikely system to be added but I would enjoy it for my own reasons.
2 is fine

the toggle is fine

x amount of checks per day is fine
Want my hot take?

Remove /rpp.

Don't change the timers.
Don't add an arbitrary 'You get X rpp for a day' because that will just mean people will stop trying once they reach their checks.
Or they'll turn from decent RP to shitpost rp.

Just remove /RPP.

Can't check /rpp if /rpp don't exist.
Removing /rpp will stop players from constantly just grinding to ensure they got their next check and then /afk or just start shitpost tier RPs instead of actually trying.

Any of the above decisions will change
Quite literally
Absolutely nothing in its approach to people's mindset on "How 2 beat teh systemz 4 teh mass checkz"
People will still grind out their checks, overgrind their AP, and afk or stop putting effort into their posts.

Getting worked up over checks wasn't an issue in old eternia. So why improve something that didn't need improvement.


And trust me when I say that IS the mindset. I've played this system since spires and esshar. I know people who will formulate the best methods of RPL grinding who need the /rpp command just so they can time everything to a T, and even I've done it.

If I may be perfectly honest. A part of me wonders if /rpp is actually the root of all evil for me, personally. Because I performed the command on the hour, every hour. It stopped being a game for me and became a second job and after I hit qualified? Then, then I'd feel like I was perfectly fine to do whatever I felt like.

The grind can affect people who cannot change their mindset from the good old MMO day in day out gotta make that good $$$ y'all brain style.
And it has affected me.

I used to think /RPP was a boon.

Now... Now I think it is a curse.

Bring me to the days where I was blissfully ignorant, where I could just RP without checking my literal 'Roleplaying Watch' like some sort of addicted crackhead jonsing for a fix.

Edit #2:

If you change the timer to 3 hours I'll just check every 3 hours.
[Image: a1c5821151379249915fc28ad734e73f.png]
a lot of this is naturally speculation; we don't really know how many people are genuinely doing their utmost to hit a check every hour, and it is likely just a few people at most or they're playing the game like they would regardless

same for the /rpp command, but i also don't see an issue with disabling it, as it does encourage focusing on checks too much. i'd still increase the timer to 2 or 3 hours regardless though. i think it's worth trying both of these, especially in the early stages where we don't want rpp gain to be super high anyway
(just disable the part that shows if you qualify, i like the timer)
(03-21-2020, 11:50 PM)Trenton Wrote: (just disable the part that shows if you qualify, i like the timer)

On one hand I like this.

On the other, I dread my habitual /rpp beginning again. Timer or not, I'd likely spam it every hour and try to guess how many posts it takes to get to the hidden qualified.

In the end, it's not my decision.
But I think the removal of it altogether would be a QoL change that'd help people like me stop the 'Grind RP' mentality that many have.

I think it's more than a few people that have this mindset, or are frustrated with having this mindset, being unable to help themselves etc. Be it due to having naturally competitive natures or, in my case, getting that sweet sweet dopamine kick and over-plotting my builds, and stat allocations for that 200 RPL.

But I also think a lot of them are afraid of the stigma of being judged...
Or don't even realize that they're doing it.

Over the years of playing Spires to Esshar, I've found that having the knowledge and the command made this less of a game for me.
And more of a race to the finish, to get strong.

Fun Dimmie Fact.

I only solo RPed on Eternia for certain hidden applications, and that was few and far between. I hated the concept of solo roleplay, as it defeated the purpose of it for me.

Then comes Spires and the eventual introduction of /rpp, and I would have entire logs, entire bleeding days, of nothing but solo roleplay while I grinded for materials, ores, crystals, etc. This has continued on to Esshar. I did it while grinding boars on Anathe & Ralt, I did it on Taylen when I went ore farming alone. I did it on Melora when I was lumberjack tree spamming.

And what came along with that?
The /rpp to see if I was checkworthy.

Yeah. It's pretty gross to read ain't it? Can't say those are my proudest moments. If anything, I'm kind of disgusted with myself. I stopped playing Eternia as a game and started playing it to... I don't know. Win? I guess?

Man. I actually hate admitting that. Makes me feel icky.


Especially since I'm not sure what I was trying to win. My characters for the most part were benign or inspired minor hostilities through words and manipulative actions. Not raw, brute strength. So it's like.

Why the fuck did I do that?
I ain't got a reason other than: "Because I could."
[Image: a1c5821151379249915fc28ad734e73f.png]
(03-21-2020, 11:46 PM)chance Wrote: a lot of this is naturally speculation; we don't really know how many people are genuinely doing their upmost to hit a check every hour, and it is likely just a few people at most or they're playing the game like they would regardless

same for the /rpp command, but i also don't see an issue with disabling it, as it does encourage focusing on checks too much. i'd still increase the timer to 2 or 3 hours regardless though. i think it's worth trying both of these, especially in the early stages where we don't want rpp gain to be super high anyway

Since you seem set on this, what about changing how the timers for mining works? There are some people who can't mine the ores they need to progress as a smith or to make the armor they are cpaable of because people ALWAYS mine them up before they have the free time to get some. If you can't be up late at night your prob not gonna get good pickings of ores and the like as is.
My discord is Vi#6600
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