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Shaqdaddy94Burly News
Burly Update

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A message to those who do not contribute to Mox's people or their efforts from the Voice. 
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Moxtli is not a home for everyone. Anyone who isn't a contributor to tha' tribes in some form or faction or gets an approval from the Voice will be kicked out an' if they don' I'll be raidin' their house.
Moxtli is also very open to those who wish to adopt a more spiritualist way of living, so long as they are prepared to adopt the culture as well, and do their part

In other news Burly News will be making some changes. 

Other news will be provided down the line. That is all for now. 

Battle for the Rights

Uma Moon

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Lucia Alcast

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With the Kurokaiyo Clan's impending Revival at hand, the new Patriarch of the Clan has sought out a Bride with whom to continue the Accursed Bloodline. Many answered the public call interested in the offer of an arranged marriage for any number of reasons, but the Bachelor has narrowed his options down to only two candidates.

Now Lucia Alcast and Uma Moon will put it all on the line for the chance to become part of the Kurokaiyo legend, facing off against one another for the ultimate prize of becoming the new Matriarch of the Kurokaiyo Clan. Wealth, power, reputation and perhaps most importantly the Kurokaiyo genes themselves are on the line and these ladies are bound and determined to prove which of them is the most worthy to claim it all!


Burly Photos and Strange Home Items

Burly News will be now take photos of families and friends for a decent price of 500 coin. Not only that we will be selling strange cute items for the kids or for home in general. Buy now!

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Enough is Enough

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The man would be taken off his tie and then looking to his people. "Write it down and let it be known. Get the papers out there to the world its time i make this loud and clear."

Taking a deep breath he make sure everyone was looking.

"Today I come to a realization that alot of you of Achyon take to use the Docro's family name to frighten me. Some of you are bold and feared yes. I don't fear the Docro family. I respect them. But this situation has made me realized. I am finish being seen as a push over. As a pawn. As some fucking joke. So you know what." 

He look to his people. 

"The next of you fucks to attack me will learn Burly Aldes is saying fuck neutrality. I will not be a target. I dont care where you are from or who you represent. I am the world greatest reporter and its time i fucking show the might of what i can do. If i die so be it. But i assure you its time i set a example to let the world know."

I'm done playing nice.
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Burly News Being Placed On Hold

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Coming forward outside the kitsune see his people all folding their arms. The man would know what this is about. They all begin to shout. 
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Crew: "When is the Tower going to be finish?!"
"We want more space!"
"When did we hire a fucking orge?!"
"I want to see the picture of Ryker!" 

Weird choice of words but Burly would try to calm his crew and people. 

Burly: "The process is being done in hand. Please work with me and the construction crew. As this only a temporary issue!"

Crew: "We waited long enough! Years to be exact. We demand more room and more access to be able to work in this damn tower!"

Everyone was from different factions so he could understand their anger. 

Burly: "Until we can have the matter fixed uh we publish the stories that been done before. And apologies to those we interviewed that waited for this. Its been quite hellish. Stories will be be published in a few months. (Thursday)

"We refuse to work till we get our improved Tower!"

The Crew was now fully on strike.

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Burly Raid News

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With the Mire coming to attack the Fireblooded. Blood was spilled in the battle field. Monsters were torn apart. Dragon warriors were eaten alive. But it was indeed many battles that could show statements. 

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At the end results the one who stood tall was the warriors of the mountain. Though the Mire regain its people the message has been laid out. 

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(PS: A example of the Drayce vs Ivory Fight)

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Burly News

Madness and Trial

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Hello viewers of the Burly News. Seems you be getting much more than you bargained for today. Apparently the Grave digger of the Academy Alexander Vol Hellstorm

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Decided to come to Osrona to turn over a new leaf? Though some people didnt take to kindly to such a idea. 

Cerise Metras for example. As i walked into the process of her throwing a cart at the man. 

(Example below of Cerise doing such in a way you can imagine)

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Many of the people of Osrona argued for a fair trial and some well the other way of doing things. With the higher ups calming things down. Alexander would be placed on trial till then. 

A meeting is being set in place by the council. 
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Burly News!

oday we be speaking about the events of the Masquerade. I will say it was pretty fun. 

Nice Security 

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Nice Building
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Some dancing and music 

(Burly image of the dancing people)

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Many people with alot strange mask and other kinds of enemies and allies gathered. 

Nice items were place up for auction. 

Luck Potion #1 - Alexei
True Flight - Ember
War Cry #1 - Yammi Revargo
Twilight Ore - Yammi Revargo
Truth Potion - Cerise Metras
Luck Potion #2 - Aurum
Transceiver - Cerise Metras
Unholy Cleanser - Yammi Revargo
Caustic Cleaver - Twisted Creature
War Cry #2 - Burly Aldes
War Cry #3 - Aurum
A Day of Johannes' Time - Maazu (11,000)
A Day of Camilla's Time - Nikolai pyr Docro (10,000)
A Day of Avilov's Time - Aurum (6,000)

Congrats to the winners. That day thing for some reason reminds of something huh...should look into that.

Water was turn into wine....wait what

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And the people ask did you drink it Burly?

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Insane bids over items that shocked the hell out of me. Though we have to thank our hosts for doing such a good job. 

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And then someone snuck me this picture. 

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Nice job by the way you trickster. 

Some people were even handling out drugs. By the way.

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So at the end of the day next time attend the event and enjoy yourself.

Though in other news. Seems like someone still using the Family's name for revenge. 

Someone should probably do something about that. Burly News Out!
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"Whatever Happened to Cris Matters."

Do you enjoy dance?
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AUDITONS OPEN (Starfall Acadamy)CAST

Marvelous Andi Silverra - Young Adult - M/F - Tenor/Soprano
Cris Matters - Young Adult - M/F - Baritone-Tenor/Mezzo-Soprano
Mal Duman - Young Adult - M/F - Tenor [ALREADY CAST]
Diona Carters - Any - F - Must be comfortable on Trapeze - Any
Marvello Carters - Same as Diona - M - Must be comfortable on Trapeze - Any
Joanna - Adult - F - Mezzo
Mr/Mrs/Mis. Camerra. - Adult/Mature Adult - M/F - Any
Dr. Midello - Adult/Mature Adult - Experience with animals requested but not required.- M/F
Miscellaneous Circus Crew - M/F - Must be good at catching/throwing.

How To Audition:

Auditions will be held via announcement by Starfall Acadamy Staff. Come with the character in mind you wish to audition for. Below are various characters available for audition, please come prepaired with a song to sing that ACCURATELY demonstrates your vocal range.

Send a letter to Garret Blackquill

Marvelous Andi Silvera

A ringleader of the traveling circus "Cirque de Excentrica"

Seen more as the glue that holds the circus together, people look to Andi for leadership and advice. They have their heart in the right place but their head in the clouds. So much so that they fail to see the deception forming around him, they become enamored with Cris, and teach them Andi’s way of life.

Cris Matters

Cris, a young forge worker who lives with their widowed mother

dragged to the circus by their rambunctious outgoing friend Mal. Cris is an introspective and somewhat melancholic character. Lacking in more thespian knowledge they make up for it in street smarts. When dragged to the Circus, they meet with some of the cast and fall in love with the crew, especially The Marvelous Andi Silverra, and through this relationship start to open up.

Diona Carters

A trapeze artist who works with her husband/brother

A bubbly happy-go-lucky personality that is practically doting on Cris when they first arrive in the circus. Playing at being interested in the work they do in terms of smithing, always inquisitive and asking questions. She’s never without her Brother (Or, significant other) Marvello

Marvello Carters

A Trapeze artist who works with his wife/sister

An upbeat and uplifting personality that seeks to encourage Cris to “find their spark” working alongside of his sister, he asks the important questions looking deeper within Cris and pushes them to try new things. He’s never without his Sister(Or Signifigant other) Diona


Cris’ doting mother

Having recently lost her husband they depend on Cris to help keep the house together as they try to work out of a corner store for a pittance of pay. They are worried for their child as Cris is the last person they have. They are apprehensive when Cris wants to join the circus, and laments that while Cris is an adult and can make their own choices, She will be left with noone when Cris leaves.

Mr/Mrs./Ms. Camera

The fortune teller at the Cirque de Excentrica

A foreboding and looming personality, They command a room with her wizened yet commanding tone. Wanting to steal Andi’s earnings and retire early as they feel they are being both unappreciated and undermined. They plot to murder Andi in an effort to make that dream a reality.


The veterinarian hired out of Cris' town at Cirque de Excentrica

Having become enamored with the rare animals that are within the menagerie of the circus. They plot to take all of the animals and sell their rare pelts to poachers and collectors. Working alongside Camerra they plan to cart off the animals during the commotion of the big show.
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The Final Call of Burly News

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The news crew would stand with their leader and then look to him. And he would nod his head. The kitsune would then look forward as the camera came into play.

"Is this on? Well then. Lets get to it then. Hello Esshar this your Burly New wrap up report. Um for the stories I didnt publish i come by to ask those who i ask before how they feel about their progress now. But yes the Burly News will be offically coming to a end. I am a family man and will seek to travel more lands then just Esshar. I enjoyed my time and met great people but it seems it time for me to let the new ones take over."

Looking at his Tower he smirk.

"With help and friends i come to see success. And some downfalls. But that is fine. And i will make sure to give it my all. I will finish my projects before i go and then. To all those who hate fighting and want to make change. Anything is possible. If you have the heart and spirit to go for what you want. You can do it. Its up to you to reach for it."

"My sister or maybe someone in my family will be taking over but this is it for me. I say in a few years tops" (End of August)

So for all those who seek for me i give you what i can till that time comes. Till then i will try to keep you updated on the Burly News. Burly Out.

(Now then that aside. This is indeed me saying this is my end of Eternia story. I enjoyed the game and met great people. But time has caught up and so has life. I played the game since all the way back to E1 but you boy and girls know we all got to move on. So for those who still got me working on things dont worry i keep admins updated and ask them to send them to your journals. And for those who know me. Well you know how to contact me. But this is my final chapter of Eternia. End of this month is my final book. I enjoyed myself. So i hope to give the best i can for my boy Burly till the end. Thank you all for your support.)
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The Last Update

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With the papers going all over. The men would pack up there things and shake their leader hand. Some leaving to go back to their former homes. Others getting on ships to do their own adventures of reporting for so long.  Burly would then go in front of the Tower with his few remaining men who always stood by him since the beginning. 

"This is it folks who are reading this. The last day of Burly Aldes. For you all i thank you from the bottom of my black and golden heart. Some of you hated me. Most of you loved me. And to my dear fans who supported me. I shall be doing one last report.

So for all those who who seek to meet me or want to speak to me before i depart. I shall be around at my tower. Letters can be sent of course if you want me to come to you all. And to those who are close to me. I shall mention you in the last Burly News Article

And for you all thinking that you cannot make a change to your life. If a idiot with a camera can make this

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Become this

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Anything is possible. Now then lets do one last BURLY NEWS ARTICLE!"
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