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Shaqdaddy94Burly News
Burly's News
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Hello due to some sickness i was down for a bit but i have returned. Now lets get down to business. 

The Muscled Maiden

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A beautiful establishment founded by Alicia Farwalker. a neutral tavern that sells potions, equipment, artificing supplies, and healing services to all! Our low prices will assure that you never leave with empty pockets or empty stomachs!"

Where is the Muscled Maiden Located? 512,616 between the bridge and the quarry

What makes it different from the others? Someone is almost always manning the bar, trained in the top techniques of both serving drinks and cooking fresh meals!

What is the history?  She started The Muscled Maiden when she was fourteen in a watchtower right beside the quarry, and just a few years ago her construction finished on our new location

 If you are looking for somewhere to relax. Have a good time. Then come on down to The Muscled Maiden! Where good food. A good time and fun awaits.
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Most well decorated home of Esshar

Iris Vartuul
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-Rising Star of Esshar
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  • -I seek to find the good souls, and shine them bright. Protect them, and make them radiate so bright, that others follow in their stead. In doing so, I have found I too, may be a good soul, and have found I have inspired numerous others.
  • -I seek a world, with shining souls, brighter than the stars even above.
  •  - It is my belief, that good souls can be found in all places, regardless of origins
Synesia Artra
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  • -I AM the upcoming star. I'm the best Cadet. I was able to put up a fight with a Sergeant of my rankings, and my artificing and alchemy skills are on point.-

  • -I'm a direct descendant of the Artra family, who had its peak relevancy in the late 1500s to the early 1600s. I came to Achyon from Barsburg to assist them on their conquest, and that is what I'm going to do!

  • -You can also ask for my potions and weapons if you're interested." 

Sylphen Migurdia
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  • - Refer to as "Mr. Migurdia" as mentioned in IC.
  • - A man who studies alchemy and artificer, as well as the anatomy of humans, ookami, drakanite, and creatures of Esshar.
  • - His lab is sometimes used as a medical center.
  • - Has been studying these topics since 7 years old.
  • - Helps twenty-five non-magi a day.
  • - Parents were always out and busy, but still bought him stuff, possibly a rich kid.
  • - Xuelian from the Academy and Amaranth from Achyon as his teachers.
  • - He is also an official doctor (medic).
  • - Is unable to use magic.
  • - His parents were farmers.
  • - He also knows how to play the piano.

With that out the way. Lets get done to business.

Robbery near bridge

Recently i was of course heading to do work. And came across a lone Dullahan taking coins from others. Me and another young man were not handing our coins up as the creature demanded from us. 

As i tried to fight it was useless as i was overpowered and beaten. Luckily more people came along and it left before more battles pushed it. If you see this Dullahan be warned you are going to be in danger. 

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Now for those who wondering where the other articles are. I will be only doing one at a time. Recent attacks and other matters took alot out of me. And i hard to keep up on my home if im constantly robbed. So if anyone seeks to help Burly Aldes in his time of need. It be appreciated.

Other stories will come soon so be patient. Burly out.

(For those wonder why it took so long. Ooc stuff and just lost of motivation. I might just do different kind of things or things. I probably do one article at a time since its alot of things to keep up on. Sorry about the lateness though.)

-Jarl of the Shadowed Savana
-Honoring the gone but not forgotten of each city. (Choose two)
-A heartbroken hero
-Best places to relax in Esshar
-A topic choose by the people of Esshar!

Soon to come!

With a long hard fought battle. And many lives at stake. Both sides took many blows and losses. 

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Though as the battles were all equal out. One man was killed in the line of combat. 

Osorna's very won Delun Ru

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Fallen Hero of Osorna

Though many could celebrate. None should as blood tolls the area of the mines. Friends are now held in different cities awaiting their fates. 

These are the names of those captured in the line of battle. 

Thorn Meztin
Victor Delisle

Will keep updated on their fates for the future viewers. 

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Though many cannot say Marcel Delisle doesnt live up to his rank and his name. The Commander standing his ground to make sure his men escape and taking the blunt of attacks. The Commander gravely wounded still hasnt stopped his work. 

Though many are asking the real question. Who is Andromeda? What is Andromeda? A young servant of the Don seeming to be breaking into the laws of life and land. Many would ask what is her true purpose? Only time will tell. But one shouldn't overlook this. 

Lando almost at death's door was saved by no other two men. Osorna's own Alexander and Baux. What kind reward the two will gain will be unknown.
Those of you if you can should also check on Seifer Gardios as he was gravely injured as well in the battle. Shutting the doors of the Shrine most cannot fathom the state of mind the man is in now.

Many rivals have been formed from this fight. And other events. We will do our best to keep everyone as updated as possible. For now this reporter needs to...stop shaking. 

Here are the results for you all to know of the occurences and battles. 

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This has been Burly News we are out!
(PS everyone tell Zealot thank you for these results. If i'm missing anything of if you like to add more pictures DM Shadow Man#1779)

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'Don of the World Eater'

Hello this is the Burly news giving you a breaking story about a recent occurrence. The Mox warrior Cedar Grace had gone blow to blow with the famous all around champion boxer of Esshar Niffty. The battle was intense but with many shocked and floored. They would see the winner standing tall. 

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Many believe this was the end of the show. That was until...she came into the story. 

World Eater Andromeda

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You could feel the tension build between the devourer of worlds and the life stream protector. The words were harsh and brutally honest. Though when it came down to the battle. It became clear that the world was taking a drastic turn. Dark days are to come and many best prepare. 

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Defeated by Andromeda, Cedar Grace then would watch as Niffty would once again see another day. The battle was hard fought. But the man wasnt done. Who showed next seem to bring out the beast in Cedar even more. 

Though even with that Ektu the wife of Cedar grace would not stand for watching her husband being treated such way. As her duty she fought hard and gave it her all. 

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But was also defeated by Andromeda 
The Don Alexei pyr Docro

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Seeing the Don come about. Cedar and him would exchange words that were quite serious and aggressive. Though if one knows the history between the two. The Don is the killer of Howl Grace. The brother of Cedar. And with the talking out the way the battle would commence. 
It was a brutal and hard fought battle between both parties. But the Don proved once again. To be the man. You have to beat the man.

Cedar kicked to the side would live to see another day. But what does this say for the future. The book is far from over and these two will not stop until one isn't breathing.  Will the world truly find out what Andromeda is? What is her true plan? We all will never know until it comes. 

This has been Burly News. Reporting to you of Esshar. Burly Out.

Missing or vacation?

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Recently has come to my attention that Reyleigh Voss or others call him Reason has gone missing. If anyone knows of his location or if he is safe please send a notice to Mykael Voss or Burly Aldes. Will update if found or more clues are given.
(Asked to erase)
Burly News

This your Burly News preparing to give you the scoop. Today we be placing down the topics as listed before. 

Jarl of the Shadowed Savana

Today we be speaking about a woman who has overcome hard challenges and continues to go forth to knock down doors. What comes next who knows. 

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Revna Rune

If you do not know who this young lady is. This the leader of the new blood of the Vanirhallens. She is the daughter of Siegmund Rune. The first leader of the Vanirhallens who first arrived.  She is a strong and understanding leader. She cares for her people and gives great efforts to them for what they overcome. 

For training she lifts boulders. To her people she believes that its not her who makes the group strong. Its those around her and the hard work they put forth is what keeps everything well maintained. She is very humble and yet serious at the same time. 

What can we expect from her? Well Esshar the future can only show so much. And i believe that this young will shock us more and more down the line. 

Gone but Not Forgotten

We are honoring those who have fallen in battle or lost their lives. To each city know that your memory is kept alive through your friends, family and people.


Gou Meztin 

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Kael Vorso

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Klaus Ebner

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Deep Company

Blight Reave
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Orodyn Vartuul 
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The Mire

Xian Antirrhinum
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Best relaxing spots in Esshar

We be placing random spots one can relax at and enjoy time to clear their minds. If you have any suggestions send a letter to me.
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The Suprise Topic

In 1674 the people of Moonfall had done a ritual that had summon forth a horde of demons. This would lead to many years of terrors across the land and countless fighting. 

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Or is it?
With recent events and the history exploding between the two. The Fireblooded and the Vanirhallens would finally clash in a epic duels. Both sides gave great battles. Neither side would fall to the other. But the Fireblooded push to gain victory at the end. 
Though they won the leader of the Vanirhallens Revna Rune manage to bring down the mighty Dragon Lord Violet Vartuul in a epic battle. 
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The many other battles that happen along the way.
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The Fireblooded won the battle but the Vanirhallens manage to also get a treasure in the process. Though the Fireblooded kept the blade of the former Dragon Lord Sythaeryn and the Vanirhallens would take off with the Mauvestone. Many could hear a roar in the distance. Things were sure to happen from the coming events. 

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Though the real question i asked myself while all this was happening was this. 
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Who are these masked men?
Updates will come for the new topics in the future. For now Burly News is Out!
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Hello people of Esshar. We be focusing on the topics that come to mind. Though here is also some side news i like the world to know. Burly Aldes is a officially a father. I have a baby girl with my lovely soon to be wife Mizuki Lunaris. Also the Burly News will be aiming to get a News Station. 

Assistants: Mizuki Lunaris, Lyn and Yara Wu

-Interview with the Queen of Asphodel
-Memorial Paper for those who are gone
-Interview with Walter pyr Docro
-Life of Chaska Alder
-Interview with Smurg
-Sarradian Culture
-Leon Fitness Magazine

Memory of The Gone But Not Forgotten


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Augustus Vorenii

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King Dullahan Torgon/ Azrael Windrun
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Revna Rune
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Dear loving people of the Burly. It is time for your favorite Esshar News. We be investigating some interesting topics. And i will look forward to you all enjoying the things that were told to me. 

Interview with Queen Falkenrath

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A interview the people of Esshar have been waiting for. I sat down with the Queen of Asphodel. And she has some pretty interesting things to say to the questions i ask her. 

Burly: Who is Araceli Falkenrath? What place you to come to Esshar? What do you think of the current state of Esshar?

Araceli Falkenrath: As you well know, my name is Araceli Falkenrath, the Queen of Asphodel. I came to these lands from the continent known as Apropriya, though it was primarily due to a sense of wanderlust. 

I believe that humanityhas allowed itself to be shackled by the divine, barred through an imposed mortality which they are forced to believe is the 'natural' way of things. Nothing could be further from the truth in this regard."

Man was not meant to turn into dust, but thrive forever. It is through Cain that we are imbued with immortality, life everlasting. He has both liberated and freed of us our mortal shell, allowing us to partake of all that life has to offer.. forever.

They believe we are here to kill them and enslave their children, but nothing could be further from the truth. Taking blood without killing, that is we handled things within Apropriya.

People spend their entire lives in service to gods, spirits, and primordials who care for naught but their own self interest. They never receive true blessing, and are simply led to an elderly age wherein their entire existence will be forgotten."

Humanity needs to rise above the impulse of divine beings or foreign gods. They need to take hold of their own destiny and become their own god, simply put.

Burly: Recently it was announced Natasha the former wife of Alexei pyr Docro was slain here. To clear the air of people jumping to assumptions about you all. What would you like to say to the world on the incident?

What is your favorite food? What would you like to say to the world about Asphodel?

Araceli Falkenrath: It was an unfortunate situation, truly. The tension between Alexei and miss Natasha was palpable, and creating a divide within the Kingdom of Asphodel.

As a result, I asked that Natasha leave peacefully. Alexei had bent the knee and come to us first, so he held priority in that regard.

Natasha failed to leave, and instead took it upon herself to insult myself, the Queen of this kingdom. Naturally, we did not take to it very well, and I ordered her arrest.

After she was captured, I seized her staff, and was going to release her with an injury as just recompense for her insult against myself and my kingdom. Rather than be released, however, she set herself aflame.

It was a suicide, to make things clear.

I used to be quite fond of steak, as well as meat in general

What I would like the world to know is that Asphodel is a sovereign state, all those who live here have sworn themselves to me above all else. There is no Docro rule, nor is there 'Achyon boot licking.' It was Achyon that first attempted to appeal to us, and offer me tribute.

"Though they are treasured, valuable allies. We wish to set man free from the hypocrisy of the divine, one way or another. To elevate all mortals and bring about a new age.

Burly: Anything else you like to add?

Araceli Falkenrath: Lando had a thing for me, though it was years ago now. He wrote me love poetry, and kissed me, as well as cuddled me. I could even bet that I was his first kiss.

The Archmage of Osrona, kissing and loving on a vampire. A story for the ages, isn't it?
And with that was the wrap of our interview. Could it be true or will the archmagi speak out on it?

Memorial For the Lost 

Walter pyr Docro

Currently on hold

Chaska Alder

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The story of Chaska Alder

A woman of few words and very calm mind i had done a interview with. So i will go over the talk that i had with Mrs. Alder.

Burly: Tell me about yourself. 

Chaska Alder: "I suppose I will begin at the beginning. I am not from Esshar originally, I arrived just after my fourteenth birthday after running away from home. Before arriving in Esshar my formal title was Lady Chaska Aevnass, I was an aristocratic noble of Magnolia. My family specialized in finer textile trade and their mass wealth had earned them such a title over the generations. That part of my life I would have to say was the most boring. Learning to become the perfect heiress to the Aevnass name. Plenty of lessons in all sorts of subjects, but that strive for knowledge is likely why I am so well versed today. 

After my arrival I quickly fell into two lives: one of learning holy magic and one of joining the Aesirheim Fleet of Vanirhalla. My very first night in Esshar I was lucky enough to meet my holy teacher who proceeded to show me the steps to learning holy magic, my most treasured magic to this day. At the same time I had become enthralled by the Vanirhallan. They were the ones who taught me to fight, to move beyond my title of heiress, and they were also the reason I became a medic. Out in the deserts medical assistance is rather hard to find, and we only had one medic at the time. I wanted to be as helpful as I could so I decided to learn along her side as well as an old Osronan man. I learned most of my medical training within this very building by Paca Elementa. He was my mentor for very years and later he became a dear friend. I learned to be a medic for the same reason I learned holy magic, to protect and help others. My timing seemed fateful as just a few months after I got my medic license my friend, the other medic of the desert was killed by Achyon.

I was a Vanirhallan from ages seventeen to twenty-two I believe. Well, formally. You cannot officially join the fleet until you have defeated a great beast, but on my own at seventeen I defeated a Nethradyn. It was a proud moment. I was the first outside to ever join the Vanirhallan and served as an inspiration for other non-natives to join over the years.

After my time with the Vanirhallan I spent many years amongst the Fireblooded, going as far as becoming a Flame Herald and competing in the very tournament that made Violet a Dragonlord. It was in that time I began to work towards a higher understanding of holy magic, but sadly it was not there I mastered it. A tragedy occurred and Lucas and I decided to move here to Osrona. I had a house here, one I had maintained for many years as my personal haven and it became our home.

In Osrona I suppose you could say I hit the ground running. The Archmage at the time, Amori tasked me with healing those injured at the resurrection of Dallan and that is how I made my name as a medic within the city."

Since then I have taught numerous medic lessons and holy lessons. I became a professor at Starfall Academy for the holy arts. Lucas and I opened an orphanage together, Star's Shelter down in the lower distract. I achieved a higher mastery of holy magic and have even begun to master white magic. I serve as a helper for this community. Anything they need I am here toprovide as a medic, master artificer and alchemist, holy magi, and self proclaimed mother to many. 

Burly: If you had a message to the people of Esshar what would it be?

Chaska Alder:  I suppose don't be afraid to start over? If you're unhappy make the change because you might be better off for it. Here in Osrona, I've never felt more fulfilled and have never been happier and that would have never happened had I not restarted three times. So don't fear change, embrace it.

Interview with Smurg

Currently on hold

Sarradian Culture

Many people do not understand what the Sarradian culture is all about. And so with that. Two my favorite people will be assisting with spreading the word as a festival or gathering of sort for those who seek to come to learn about the Sarradian lifestyle. It will be announced once it occurs in the future. Due to so much occurring.

Leon Fitness Magazine

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Two Weddings!

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Hollee Blackwood & Ael Gelmont

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Raija & Doriya Hedor

Waystone: Night of Commerce 

The gathering of all groups and all nations. A extremely intense vibe in the room. Truly it was remarkable. To Ema Okabe for doing a wonderful job hosting. Make sure you all thank her. 

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