Poll: Sexiest Man Alive
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Xuelian Bei-Feng
5 29.41%
12 70.59%
Total 17 vote(s) 100%
* You voted for this item. [Show Results]

Shaqdaddy94Burly News

A crew of non-magi would be with a ookami who have  smile on his face. Papers would spread out from each city as the news would start to come in. Those of all cities would be able to get to witness and able to enjoy Burly's News. 

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Niffty's Keeps Them In Line

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Young solider of Achyon was given a command to return back to Achyon by his leader. The great and famous boxer of Esshar Niffty. Though it seemed something snapped inside of the cog and he be rebellious. Taking action she quickly brought her subordinate down and got him home.  We aski Niffty would she like to send a message to her kids. 
Niffty: Hiya kids, mom's on the tv!"

A well recieved message that Achyon leadership isn't to be taken lightly.

Sexiest Man of Esshar

Today we pick two handsome men with unique talents to be voted sexiest man of Esshar. This isn't about sex appeal. More about the dynamics and talents these young men bring to the table! So here they are!

Xuelian Bei-Feng

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This red haired handsome gentleman is truly one to gaze at. Sharp pearl white teeth. Elven like ears that truly makes him a mystery.  Clothing is top notch. We then ask what are his talents. 
Xue: I like the arts- Designing, poetry, painting... Even my magic tends to be aesthetically pleasing.
Truly a wonderful competitor. 


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This black haired swordsman shows off a unique characteristic. He tends to have a strange clothing style but truly hi looks are not one to shy away from either. A smile that is gentle and kind. We then ask what his talents are as well. 
Roland: I can cook pretty well. I've mastered the sword, I did some research into medical studies so I can perfect my art with poisons. And I also commune with the stars, as well as use them in battle
A man with many talents indeed a strong competitor.  

But we leave it up to you Esshar. Who is the sexiest man out of the two and will be name sexiest man of Esshar. Of course this position  will be changed eventually for another down the line. 
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A loud impact would occur in the desert bringing many magi. Though when it came to be. It was Chuggums. The battle was intense and deadly. Many people were beaten down by the raging rabbit but one man stood tall. 
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A dark aired magi with blood like scents all around. Sharp hair and a mystery. Whoever you are if you seek to be interviewed seek out Burly Aldes. 
And with that this it for Burly News. We be reporting more to you soon.

From the local areas of the mines. From the reporter who brings you the topics. It is Burly news coming to you. 

Epic Dance

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Coming upon a area known for brutal fights. A epic clash commenced between two leaders of different factions. Violet Vaartual of the Fireblooded. And Dimitri of Achyon. As one to not turn down battles the beautiful leader gave it her all. But her opponent manage to bring in the win. Though beaten but not done. She would seek to once again battle once more. That is until!

Howl Grace took charge!

Before we show you that we shall show you the epic clash between Lando lux Metras and Alexei pyr Docro

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Lando vs Alexei

Lando vs Alexei 2

With a epic clash commenced the winner who came out on top is no other the Docro himself.

Mean while during that clash another was occuring between the mad violinist Dimitri Asimov and the warrior Howl Grace.

Howl vs Dimitri

Howl vs Dimitri 2

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With a glorious heated and loud battle. The one rising to the top of the fight would be no other than Howl Grace himself.  Though what came next was a match that would awe and excite the crowd.


Howl vs Alexei

Howl vs Alexei 2

Howl vs Alexei 3

Though the battle was close and the field was in distraught. A fight that will be known for many years to come. The winner and standing tall. Was no other than HOWL GRACEEEEEEEEEEE! 

Even though Achyon loss a important part of their people. It doesn't mean their spirit will die from the loss. Today was the day Osorna stood tall. But as everyone knows. It isn't over till the music truly comes to a end. 

And last but not least. The results came in and here it is! 

Sexiest Man of Esshar: ROLAND 

[Image: i968JKo.jpg]

Congrats to the young man to a well match voting. We looking forward to more news to come. This Burly News. If you are seeking to have a interview or anything else. Send a letter to Burly Aldes. I shall see you where the wind blows. Burly OUT!

(Couldn't upload all the videos because limit but their in the links)

Hello people of Esshar. This a Burly news updates on what topics we be focusing on next. 
Here is the list. 
Most Bad Ass Weapon in Esshar
Most Sexiest Woman in Esshar
Most Richest Person in Esshar
Most Popular Monster in Esshar

We be reporting more and more stories as the time goes on. But if you like to be in this article or one the competitors in this. Send a letter to Burly Aldes! 

Bringing you news from all over. This is BURLY NEWS! Today we placing down topics i spoke about on my update. And also the many other bonus things i did. 

Sexiest Woman of Esshar

Today topic will feature different women from all over Esshar. Not only for their looks. But for their talents and goals.


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A quiet woman with a love for plants. She tends to garden for the muscle maiden. And she is quite the beauty. I wouldnt sleep on her as she could surprise you. 

Natasha pyr Docro

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The wife of the Don. 
A lovely woman with not only the talent to back it up. But the power of the 'Family' to make sure it gets done. 
Best Traits: Perfectionism and Ambition
Talents: Master Cook and Pyromancy
Dream: Become a thousand percent free. To show the world her might and power.


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Doctor of the Mire
A true talent of the Mire. Lovely person to be around. She is the doctor and runs the Shadow Sanctuary of the Mire.
Talent: Medic


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The embodiment of beauty of the Deep Company. A true treasure that can easily sway the hearts of many.
Talent: Ritual Dancing and Gambling 
Best Traits: Eyes and Face
Dream: Being the best alchemist as I can, I would say. Creating new potions! Helping people with my creations and maybe discovering new recipes

Violet Vartuul

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The Dragon Lord of the Fireblooded. The daughter Duniya Vartuul and Orodyn Vartuul. Powerful and beautiful.
Talent: Fighting and Living 
Best Traits: Wings and Hair
Dream: To ensure the continued propensity of the Fireblooded.
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Talent: Hungry??
Best Traits:Hungry??
Hollee Blackwood
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Talent: Holy-Fire Magi and Dual Crafter
Best Traits: Outgoing and Motivated
Dream:I wish to one day become a Lightbearer. I want to guide those who need to find their Light in the Darkness and show them the Light to the right path to do better and greater. I also wish to teach those interested in the Holy arts
Most Bad Ass Weapon
This topic focuses on a weapon that not only cool looking but also brings a amazing history with it.
Marcel Delisle
[Image: 5f8b1d7acdf56eae5675069c5c2f3702.png]
Commander of the Imperial Regiment in Achyon
Weapon Name: The Journey's End
History of Weapon: Originally, it was a sword forged by Primordial God Imbrix, gifted to Osrona's Saint - Aelrin Alcast. reforged it into magitech gun-blade with the grand power-core and intricate, complex runesmithing techniques of the Empire, it still bears the Primordial mark. It will only answer to someone who defeated the previous owner in battle and managed to take it away. Today it carries capacity of taking to long-range combat; including different modes, such as sniper-shot, close range buckshot, tazer to incapacitate, magitech nets and many more
Bad Ass Moment: Battle with Aerlin Alcast.
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King of the Dullahans
Weapon Name: Soul Warden
History of the Weapon: This is the first relic within the Mire. Bounded to the Dullahan and the very soil thou tread upon. It carries the soul of Tomaru , I made it with mythril, orichalcum and arcanium. There's a piece of Nyx within the sword, that allows the Dullahan to fight fiercely and clear the memory of his enemies. The chains around it bound it to his soul and being, once he is gone it'll come back to the Mire to be retrieved by the next Bastion
Bad Ass Moment: It allows one to stay near Nyx, everyday and every time. The best moment with it is everyday for Soul Warden is my first ally to walk into battle and the last to run away
Blight Reave
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Captain of the Deep End
Weapon Name: Unbending Will
History: A heavily modified magitech gun taken from the corpse of Anakalus, who likely stole it earlier himself. Despite being recovered from the depths of the ocean, this weapon still functions as effectively as the day it was first forged.
Bad Ass Moment: Gun's drawn tha blood o' many. She's seen me through many fights, An' I cant say I e'er lost many.
Thorn Metzin
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Voice of Moxatli
Weapon Name: Sultan's Folly
History: Kaltiv beat his grandpas ass with this weapon. Kaltiv used to be a Chieftain of Gehenna, I believe. All the way back in Agartha, it's made of golden arcanium and has seen quite some travels into the spirit realm as well as this world. It's been in my family for a very recent time but even so- It's quite the behemoth.
Bad Ass Moment: Defeated his father Eztli Metzin.
Due to hold ups we be hosting the other two articles next article. Most Feared in the Mire and Richest Person in Esshar. If you have any questions send me a letter.
Side Things: This a topic where we focus on the things outside of our regular articles. 
Fireblooded Ceremony: I had the honor to witness the amazing tradition of the Fireblooded and its people way of life. Even heard a great story. And i seek to share these moments with the world.  Violet Vartuul who did such a wonderful job show casing her wonderful traditions and culture.
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A scene where a amazing story was told by the Dragon Lord Violet. If anything i suggest those who seek to learn to go try it out.
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The young warriors of the Fireblooded stepping up to prove their themselves for a great blessing. Also watching these warriors walk across molten lava to become Flame Heralds.  
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A amazing battle to gain the Dragon Lord's blessing. All these warriors did a wonderful job. Except one stood tall above them all.
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This young man with red hair is named Oryth. Who not only fought two hard battles. But also went toe to toe with the Dragon Lord who held nothing back. Performing well this young man went from Flame Herald to Council Man of the Fireblooded. Make sure to give him a congrats for a job well done.  Truly this is a great come back for the Fireblooded.
!Fashion Time!
Owner: Reason
[Image: 1650119c16f5409f88792ff577988ea5.png]
Reason to shop there: No.1 spot for all~ things related to beauty
Words from the owner: "Ahh . . . ~ Well, it's as I said. I can't stand mediocrity. Or, rather . . . When things aren't the best versions of themselves. While it takes a lot~ more work and pushing and pulling when it's personal growth . . .

Aah, well . . .

It doesn't really take too much effort at all, you know? To help assist in someone's visual growth.

I may not be able to make them into a cool hero, but~. I can make them look like one."
So what you waiting for. Shop at !Fashion Time!
With that these polls for the voting session. 
Sexiest Woman of Esshar: (Vote ingame send a letter to Burly Aldes for who you want to win)
Most Bad Ass Weapon of Esshar: (Vote ingame send a letter to Burly Aldes for who you want to win)
With high competition. We will now announce the winners.

Sexiest Woman of Esshar

Natasha pyr Docro

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Most Bad Ass Weapon of Esshar
Marcel Delisle 
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Thorn Metzin
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Time for another update of the Burly news to what topics we focus on next.

Here is the list

-Most well decorated home of Esshar
-Richest of Esshar
-Best Inventor of Esshar
-Rising Star of Esshar

Due to the amount work i do. I like if someone can assist me with setting things up in the future. If you seek to help with that work that be great. Thank you all.

Hello people of Esshar. This Burly Aldes reporting to you about a recent fight out break at the mines. The Mire's biggest and most terrorizing giant Smurg was seen in battle with the youth of Osorna. Most know Smurg for his absolute dominance in battle. But he has come across three warriors who gave him a run for his money. 

Location: The Mines located near Mox and Waystone

The person who brought him down you ask?

Delun Ru

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With the help of his two companions Hannah and Alexander. Hannah the latter stepping up first to stop the giant. Though she failed it shows her courage that motivated her friends. The young man would swoop into the field and bring down the giant. Though another of the Mire Gillgan the known daughter of the famous Blood Mistress Xian. Came to assist but also fell in battle. With exhaustion the young man couldn't finish the task and both mire people got away. Yes, that is correct Smurg is still alive and breathing. And he will be pissed. 

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If you see this young man and his friends give them a thumbs up. They have a bright future in the making. 

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This Burly news bringing you a breaking report. BURLY OUT!
Burly's Breaking News

Till Death Due Us Apart

This the Burly News. Today a event that was meant to be a bonding event took a drastic turn into a bloody scene. Today we mourn the death of Blight Reave. The Captain of the Deep Company. And Ariel Reave the Blood Mistress of the Mire. Both of the warriors met a fatal end to Loire family. 

The ceremony started as most. Filled with life and crazy events. 

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The Loires coming to break up the event. Were ordered to be killed. And Dullahan king who was seeking to aid was push back by Clotho Moira. Soon battle broke out all over the place. A bloody scene that grew more and more gruesome. 

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First the fall of Blight Reave

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Then it was Ariel Reave

Many seek to assist.
The behemoth of the Mire Smurg. Defeated
The smiling demon of Hel Smile. Defeated
The Guardian of Mire Nill. Defeated

At the clearing and at the end. Both would meet a fate worst than anyone would want. May they be gone. They died side by side to the end. 

Rosemarin with no mercy ended Blight Reave.

And Ariel with a smile died to the hands of her former lover Clotho Moira

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May the sea and mother Nyx guide you to a beautiful sleep. 

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Burly's  News

Hello everyone its time for your daily news of the day! Burly News!

Today i will be covering the double wedding of Achyon members.

Reason & Mykael Voss
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 Leon Ebener & Ada
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The host and priestess of the wedding was no other than Ema Okabe

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The ceremony was beautiful and well put together as expected.
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Things were under control till a fight broke out.

Amaranth vs Alkhea

The fight ended with the ceremony continuing. 

Then another fight broke out. 

Between Alexei pyr Docro and Cedar Grace
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Then another between the wives of both the previous fighters. 

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Natasha pyr Docro and Ektu Grace

It was alot happening. I can say it was not what i expected. It was beautiful none the less. Due to my crew safety and my limited time. I wasnt able to stay to watch for gifts. But congrats to both couples. May blessings always come to you all. If i can recover what  more things i will. But for now that is all for the Burly News Report.
Burly's Gossip News

To all the dedicated citizens and those who read my news. Sorry for more stories not being placed out. Recent attacks and also robberies have caused me to have a hard time focusing on writing. This article will be about the things you want others to know around Esshar. Your identity will be 100% hidden. So send a letter to Burly Adles if like something you heard to be known.

Rumor 1: Rumor has it that Cedar Grace sells super drugs.
Rumor 2: Rumor has it that if you use a ritual method while opening a golden chest you will get a grand prize.
Rumor 3: Rumor has it that children are being abducted by a certain force. Some eyes are even gazing to the new rising foundation. 
Rumor 4: Rumor has that certain leader has been seeking a prize they shouldnt seek at all. One shouldn't open a chest they been forbidden to touch.
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