DixonokHunter's Freedom
[Image: white-feathers-falling-dark_36860-196.jpg]
They hear it..
But somehow it does not bring happiness.
This is sadness, ringing from the bottom of a soul.
Ah..the Mire, our home child.
You had freedom, you had will, courage!
But it's as they say...once upon a time.
The Hunter becomes the Prey.
You'll be missed, my dear child.

Within the Mire
Even though they won..why does victory feels so..bad?
The King looks around, there's no body. Nothing.
Spirits fly around..no banshees, just normal, common souls speaking about his deeds.
But the King remains..why does he even still stands if he's not even able to protect his people.
A grave was dug, a memory stone place. 
Rest well..Hunter. For you'll be always remembered.

[Image: unknown.png]
A Wolf's Cryout.
Quote:"It's been twelve fuckin' years man. I've known'ya for'dat long, and it ends quicker  'dan I can blink."
The Helhound perches herself upon a cliff-face, as she pulls out her guitar and gets ready to play.
"I'm playin' a song for'ya all 'dat I've lost 'ere in'da Mire.

Even if I ain't mutant blood, I still care for'ya all equally. 
For I am.. a monster at heart like'ya all."

The soft, gentle melody of her guitar would play throughout the common meeting-place of the Shadowmire's castle. It was, a memorial of sorts. 

[Image: kaliadorcha.png] 
[Image: 36b3132b44680a04faecfea15c26ee1f.jpg]

Around the Mire, calm flames linger on the tips of branches and trees as if imitating spirits themselves. These humble embers gave the shadowed forests a warm, buzzing glow.

"The Wisdom,

The Calmness,

The restraint,

You leashed the imbalances within me, and I hope that Mother does the same for you.

You were the calm in a ferocious storm, taken too soon.

May you find rest within the endless abyss."
Fenrir for life.
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