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The Gang Beats Satan In A Rock Off
[Image: unknown.png]

Hear me out.

A local Rhoynish Rockstar has discovered that there's an ancient demon with almost as much love for music as he has.
Word on the street is that he's capable of beating anyone in a Rock-Off.

And it's due to a special pick that he uses for his guitar.

Cortado wants that pick.

character: cortado
attendees: +4, invited already
tone: dark comedy + whatever else the DM has in mind
rewards: the Pick of Destiny +whatever the attendees want
dm: mildred c. money

the demon code prevents me from declining a rock off challenge

[Image: AnimatedZigzagHectorsdolphin-size_restricted.gif]
[Image: qt6dQlw.png]
[Image: Fn81wCh.png]

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