(07-31-2020, 12:49 AM)Shadovarn Wrote: It's all functionally in the same spots too. Amazing.

naw son 

functionally same place would make it
nysea = danarium
myllenoris = nostvale
osrona = byson
alabastre = tilandre

only one of those tracks
Not really. They all track pretty well TBH. The Shakiest is Osrona as Byson.
i wish you could give someone a "key to your house" or something so that they could like... go inside when it's locked, without also giving them the power to rob you at their own discretion and draw dicks on your walls. something between Stranger and Helper.
i miss mouse so much
[Image: unknown.png]
I think I can work something out for this, but I'd rather rework it so you don't end up with 400 keys filling your inventories. So lets pin that one for a bit, but I definitely see the merit in the idea.
Maybe if there was a separate thing for chests and house access? Like the owner can set chest access or something.
[Image: cb9dd72403b90bae3d8fc519b5bd7c95.png]
Adding too much data structure to the houses themselves started to complicate the saving routines and that's the last thing I want, but adding some kind of trusted access list beyond the helper list would probably be the ideal solution.
hot take: make lumberjack's aid woodcutting the default. 2 wood for 6 energy.

i dunno what to do with the potion itself afterward, though.

- 4 wood for 12 is probably too much. that's a lot of wood. more wood than one can handle.

- 3 for 9 sounds okay? i think?
i miss mouse so much
[Image: unknown.png]

Have the message display in logs. Especially helpful since they have the delay as well. I'm unsure if it sends a ping or anything but I think the receiver should also be pinged.
[Image: cb9dd72403b90bae3d8fc519b5bd7c95.png]
it's good that you can't swap skills from the bonus slots anymore if you just used a spell

however it counts a normal spacebar dash as "using a spell" and it'll delay you for ten precious, precious seconds that I could be spending doing anything else
i miss mouse so much
[Image: unknown.png]
I'm gonna introduce a way to exclude spells from this easily, so we can just set a value for something like space dash that would keep it from triggering the cooldown. Then I'll leave it up to Chance to decide what he wants to exclude.
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