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Flower for an Arm
[Image: 9a51c3d5580d54864f70dca2c70df17d.png]

Losing one arm? Yeah, no biggie. Losing two? Well, life gets a bit harder.
As an alchemist in her own right, it seemed only logical the best way to go about remedying such an injury is simple!
All that is required is a single aetherblossom. Shouldn't be too hard right?

Attendees: Nymeria Bargiel + 3 friends
Risk: Whatever it takes
Reward: An aetherblossom and trinkets for friends
Themes: Completely up to the DM! Full creative liberty
DM: This could be you!

Please contract squishie.squish on discord if you're willing to take up the adventure!
I offer to host this [Do note there will be a delay]
Lost my dm and need a new one! Contact OneBrainCell if you're willing and interested!

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