Chronicles of Eternia
Rebalance Nyeshk and Mythril armor pls - Printable Version

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Rebalance Nyeshk and Mythril armor pls - Jetniss - 12-19-2019

Quote:Order Legplate [LEGS]
"The official armor of the Order of The First Light, only authorized to be worn by Knights."
Level Req: 1
Boost: +5vit +7 weight

Quote:Reinforced Nyeshk Greaves [LEGS]
"These greaves are made of some sort of material that is as black as night, and are seemingly intended to cover the entirety of the wearer's legs. Red glyphs are emblazoned upon the backs of the greaves and all along the waist. Those knowledgeable in metal would understand that this is the ultra-durable, ultra-powerful material known as Nyeshk. Even if one is completely ignorant about metals, they would be able to feel raw, powerful magical energies emanating from the greaves. Only a Magi would be able to wear them due to their weight, but when they DO wear them, they would feel invincible, cocky, and as if they could take on the world."
Level Req: 54
Boost: +7vit +20 weight
Price: 1500c

Order knights have been rocking Mythril or better armor since the start of the game and with no level requirement. Meanwhile to get armor better than a knight, it's nominally better and requires you to be 200 RPL to wear it, nevermind the effort of surviving Adremmelch, miining the single node of Nyeshk, finding a artificer and having them make it for you.

Nevermind the struggle of the Artificer and the RPP investment of said Artificer to reach the required Exp requirement, grinding tons of resources and all the energy wait, and all this stuff.

The Order is way busted and has too many benefits that I don't think they should have or need. The hero group shouldn't even have such huge advantages when they're designed to be 40 players strong. What's the point of 40 players when their core/average player has more advantages than most of the villains. Your average villain would need to team up on the knight, and villain groups are like 10 deep. 
2:1 power vs 1:10 population???

RE: Rebalance Nyeshk and Mythril armor pls - Chance - 12-19-2019

Becoming a Knight takes about 3 years (15 OOC days) by which time the character is high enough level for Mythril. It was set to level 1 because this wasn't the case at the start of the game since the gains were low, but I'll increase the level requirement

RE: Rebalance Nyeshk and Mythril armor pls - Magik - 12-19-2019

Even then, perhaps they shouldn't get special equipment at all? Or just purely resprited ones.