Chronicles of Eternia
Fire Recolor - Printable Version

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Fire Recolor - Xzerx - 12-18-2019

I know the issue is kind of small but I'd like to suggest a fix for the intermediate+ fire spells so that they too can be recolored to purple with the plasma aura.

So far I know Scorch and Overheat use the original color, unsure about flame slide.

RE: Fire Recolor - Kazuki - 12-18-2019

They are all recolored to purple when used with plasma aura.
[I was a plasma magi, I would know.]

RE: Fire Recolor - Xzerx - 12-18-2019

I too am a plasma magi and I must inform you that you're incorrect. I know for a fact scorch and overheat have the same icon as before.

RE: Fire Recolor - Kazuki - 12-18-2019

Oh, well yeah since Scorch got updated to be bigger so it didn't compensate for the other colors but it USE to. Overheat is just overheat I don't think I've ever seen the color purple. Flameslide was never touched so I don't think it'd need to but not sure.

RE: Fire Recolor - Xzerx - 12-18-2019

Yeah it was most likely overlooked during it's update. Not a big deal or anything, I'm just personally excited to fill up my screen with purple fire.