The List - InThePooPoo - 11-11-2020
A certain black-haired pirate aboard the Pauper's Bride receives a letter bearing the seal of the Dragonlord Duniya Vartuul.
In response to a challenge, a desire for vengeance.
After much thought on the matter, I've come to a conclusion as to my terms regarding your challenge.
I would be staining my own name by allowing you a free attempt at a second challenge for my life, after the manner in which you disgraced yourself in our last battle. You stood not a chance then, and I've no reason to believe you've gotten any more worthy by today.
With this letter, I've enclosed a list.
Each of them is a resident of Garljing's Coat that I'm able to contend with quite closely. You will challenge each of them of your own accord and on your own time. They are not required to accept your challenge - it is your duty to persuade them as to why they should.
Why you are worthy of their attention.
If and when you're able to defeat every last person on this list - with proof of each victory - then and only then will I allow you to try your hand at me once more."
As promised, the list is enclosed.
The List:
Kirk Simmons
Rune Daman
Mort Graves
Vasilis Reigns
Spencer Galloway
RE: The List - Upset Toaster - 11-11-2020
A raven soars throughout the skies, and towards Garljing’s Coat bearing a letter with the seal of the Vice Captain of the Deep company, Thanatos Task.
I honestly didn't expect you to honor the duel anyways. Revan's brood were always the cowardly sort, so I expected as much from you.
But fine, if you wish to hide behind a horde of people, before I earn the 'right' to face you.
Then so be it.
I accept, and after I defeat all of them…
Your head will be next."