Notyel's Mass List of Suggestions/Reworks - Notyel - 03-09-2020
(Please make sure to follow the link at the bottom of the thread for the poll.)
Greetings Community!
Recently (since the original time skip poll came out), I've been taking a more serious look at the game, in an effort to understand why some players might not enjoy it as much as they did Eternia or Spires. My beliefs on the subject can be found at the following two links
However, I don't think it's very productive of me to go just over what I dislike about something. I believe that when a problem is found, it's better if one can think it over, and possibly come up with solutions that fix the problems of the situation. To that extent, I am fully releasing my suggestions on this thread, and attaching a google poll to it for people to vote on. I would also encourage people to comment about what they like and dislike about any and all the suggestions on this thread. If these suggestions are well received, there is a chance that they can be implemented into the game.
Also to note, these suggestions are timeskip agnostic. Thoughts on these suggestions and reworks are not something that directly effect the timeskip happening or not, and these things are possible to be implemented without a time skip. They do, however, mention the time skip in them.
The suggestions
Quote:Order Vs. Chaos
A suggestion on how to implement Nobles, Knights, and Syndicates
Quote:Quote:Knights vs Syndicate
Theme: Classism and Order vs chaos
I believe that if we do this time skip, we should rework nobles, knights, and Syndicates. I think that they’re good concepts, and something that we should use in a time skipped Esshar, and that it would still have a place in the game environment. I believe, in general, games are more interesting on Axises and factions are more fun if they would be introduced on these axises.
As such, I believe that the following would be a neat rework to Nobles, and Knights
-Noble houses + Knights
Ability to rise and fall
5 arcanium per 3 year, divided by influence among the major houses
Ability to spend money to create knights (would be done through app process)
Knights must be knighted by a leader of a noble house
Knight tomes
5 rpp sword skill
Master - ???
What this would mean is the rebooted game world would start with 3 noble houses, each with a leader of that noble house. The reason why a person would want to be one of the noble houses, is that once per 3 years, the major noble houses are distributed 5 arcanium. This number should not increase. This means that, at most, there should be 5 major noble houses (unlimited minor), and at least, there should be 2 (with a split of 3 arcanium and 2 arcanium). It is this unequal resource that will drive competition between major noble houses. Which side gets more arcanium is based on the influence of which house is greater. This arcanium should be given to the noble house leader to divide up as they please among their people.
The noble houses would be in charge of training knights. These knights would uphold the laws of the city they’re in, serving the crown, but also be in charge of pushing the individual noble house that they represent goal’s forwards. Noble houses are able to create new knights quickly via spending money, and a knight tome being created would make knights a specialty (my thoughts is a tome should have a beginning 5 rpp skill (for knights, I think the demi-angel sword attack, this is just a thought), and also a 20 rpp master skill, for those that reach the rank of Radiant or the like. Knights can only be created and knighted by a noble house.
A noble house must be able to fall out of power if their influence becomes minimal, and a minor noble house must have the ability to become major if they do enough. These are my thoughts on what a noble house should be able to do.
The noble houses represent the order side of a conflict, and Crime Syndicates should represent the others. This is my recommendation for Syndicates.
-Crime Syndicates/ Bandit Camps
Ability to rise and fall
Crime boss + 5 Sylvanium per 3 year, divided by influence among syndicates
Syndicate tomes
Disguise skill
Alchemists can create smoke bombs
Master - Once per day invis skill
I believe that, if nobles become too oppressive, they will naturally create people who have a distaste for them, thus forming crime Syndicates of their own. As such, a Syndicate has an ability to rise and fall if some sort of ‘Gang leader’ applies for the ability to do such with enough people serving underneath them. If someone wished to do this, they could gain access to a portion of Sylvanium per 3 years to be distributed at their will, similar to Arcanium.
As a Syndicate rises, a Syndicate should be able to fall if no one is willing to take the lead of it. A Syndicate can not exist without a head known as a crime boss, and will not be able to obtain the Sylvanium if they don’t have a boss. This encourages not only a name for the group to be active and making influence among the world, but it also encourages one person to always be a known Syndicate leader. In addition, due to one person getting the resource, it should, hopefully, encourage people to make multiple Syndicates, rather then report to one person to get what they feel like they deserve.
Similar to a knight, Syndicate members should have a tome which gives them a disguise skill, a one time use skill that allows them to make a disguise on one item then character locked to them. In addition, an Alchemist Syndicate member should be able to make smoke bombs, and a master skill could be given to a Syndicate gang leader which gives them a once per day 1 hour invisibility, similar to a potion. This should be a skill, as a potion can be stored or distributed, which would not be the intent of the skill.
To form a Syndicate, the group in question should have some sort of antagonism made to their name. I’m thinking at least 3-5 antagonistic acts that their group can lay claim to.
I believe that these two sides, if implemented, would lead to an axis of Order vs law, a backdrop upon which other Axises could slide upon and new axises could be introduced to. I also welcome the idea of odd axises, if people managed to pull them off, which can be talked about in the suggestions to said other axises.
New Settlements
A suggestion on how to implement new settlements
Quote:If we decide to go with the time skip, I recommend that we do the following;
-New settlements
Add a bunch of purchasable caves to the map
Ability to create a ‘territory’ which allows a description of the surrounding
Can be raided, if loses raid 3 times, territory lost.
Each time they lose, the opponents can attack the area with 1 higher cap roll, starting with 0.
I noticed that the cave in the desert seemed to draw people to that location. I think it’s a good example of what creating a settlement could be, although not done correctly so far in Esshar. There’s a lot of hidden away nooks and crannies in the world, and I think that these are good things. An upcoming group should be able to find a small cave that can be purchased out in the world, and make that their base. This should be set up like the guild system we currently have place, and not for a low price so one person can buy a bunch of bases.
I believe that, when someone gets one of these bases, they should be able to make a small blurb around it. This wouldn’t need to be something big, my thought is the big pop up description like when people would enter Huangzhou or Levengard in Spires. This small detail would make places feel more alive, and encourage people to go out and take these places over to be their territory.
A territory should be able to become a bigger settlement if conditions, such as character amounts and money the settlement has, are obtained. At the same time, a territory should be able to be lost and taken from a group if repeatedly raided or attacked without forcing back the attackers.
My idea is that, initially, the territory is a cap 0 territory. When first taken, only cap 0s there may occur, or higher if the territory holder says so. But the territory can be raided as a result of this; With every loss before the 3rd, resulting in territory loss, the cap roll outside of raids (such as if someone walks along a path and encounters an enemy) may be increased by 1. This makes people want to protect their territory, and be more wary about losing raids over it.
I believe that this would create a better sense of change and a feeling that more can be done in the world.
Light Vs. Dark
A suggestion on how to implement Churches and Witches and Demons
Quote:Church vs Witches
Theme: Light vs Dark, Good vs. Evil
In the Order vs Chaos axis, I made sure not to reference one side as good, or the other as evil. This seperate suggestion is the reason why. I believe that should be a separate axis, the one we are currently discussing, for reasons that will be explained at the end. But first;
I believe that the Church and Witches should be implemented differently in a time skipped E3, and this is how I believe that they should work.
-The Church
The aim to suppress occultism, evil, and demons
Members should be focused on joining settlements to create a church structure within the new settlements
Natural mentors of holy magic, and higher ups are capable of more working with angels, and the like (access to angel based abilities, such as virtues or angelic wings)
Priest tomes
Master - Fairy buff
I believe that the church has been underutilized so far in Esshar. It’s supposed to be an organization for the stars and their worship, but I would recommend making it something more holy focused. The reasoning for this is it would make it more able to be a direct counter to Witches and demons. I believe that the goal of the church overall should be the suppression of occultism, evil, and demons.
I believe that the Church should not be it’s own settlement. While an axis, I think that the church would be best with maybe a united base somewhere, but mainly spread out so it can get a better view of occultism and evil in the world. Members should see about building churches in settlements, and should teach holy magic.
Priest tomes would be able to have Empathy, allowing them to detect people from afar, and the fairy buff for those who are higher ranked priests or priestesses could assist with encouraging others to stand against darker forces. I believe these things could be added to their tomes if fairies are not readded to the game.
I also believe that the end goal of priest or priestess should be doing enough good to obtain sainthood. This could be recognized by certain angelic hiddens, like virtues or angelic wings. These would be fun to award as an end goal for those who make large strides against Demons and Witches, and also strive to make the world around them just a better place.
On the other hand from the Church, there would be the Witches and Demons. I believe the following should be added to the agenda of demons and witches;
-Demons + Witches
Should have an aim other then to create a settlement
Witches should infiltrate other groups
Demons should be Ecs
Witches are capable of gathering essence, and may expend large amounts of essence to summon these ecs
Demons are each capable of granting 5 ele power rings to 3 humans, tethered to the demon in question being alive
Demons can gain a large amount of power by consuming other demons
Demons capable of Dream walking, and encouraged to dream walk attack knights and nobles
Like the church, Witches should aim to build their own covens, but not their own settlements. They would infiltrate other groups to try to gain essence for their own plans. These goals could be self made, but a witch who gathers a large amount of Essence should be able to summon a Demon.
Currently, I believe the demons are a bit plentiful on Esshar. I don’t think conflict in of itself is a bad thing, but I do think the number is a bit overinflated. A demon, post rework, should be something to be feared, requiring someone to app to play it. There shouldn’t be things such as ‘pacifist’ demons. They should be monsters capable of their own goals, but also have abilities that encourage witches to summon them.
I would say a good ability for such would be elemental power rings. By allowing them to give 3 people character locked rings which would connect them to the demon, it makes 3 people loyal to that specific demon. By giving a mechanical buff towards demons that eat other demons, it would encourage demons to turn more on each other. These things would create infighting; A servant who wants a certain demon’s ring goes after other servants of that demon. A demon who wants a certain servant consumes a demon who already was working with that servant.
In addition, I think a Demon having dream walking.. Just assists it in general. They are creatures of nightmares and this would allow them to specifically target higher ups of organizations, either attacking them, or making them into their servants.
These would add on to the already existing abilities of Witches and Demons. And this would give them interesting places on an Axis.
Ideally, axises should be able to intercept in interesting ways. The easiest thing would be for a witch to join a Syndicate, or for a church member to become a knight. However, by having these focused on infiltrating, it would be possible to have interesting twists like a noble house’s leader made into a demon’s servant, or a priest working for a Syndicate while searching it for witches. I believe that this is why it’s important that these organizations exist on their own axis, compared to the law and order.
Natural Vs. Distortions
A suggestion on how to implement Druids, Teraphim, and Distortionists (Example group: Golems)
Quote:Teraphim vs Distortion
Theme: Mortality and the natural world
Pre-face; I would like to make an argument against Druids being naturally opposed to demons or witches. I feel like, given how Moonfall has gone, this may lead to disincentivizing druids from going Druidism as well as invalidating some of previously established actions; Some of the most interesting things have come from nature previously not being opposed by occultism.
My mind recalls the days of the past on occasions where characters like Sansevieria worked with Vampires and demons to fight against much of the world, or many parts of Gehennan history featured Demons, courtesy of the Ezmara tribe. I recall one demon in particular in gehenna who was almost nature based, and was not naturally opposed to the world. I feel like by putting occultism as naturally harming the world, it eliminates some of these fun niches and nuances that the past had.
Suggestion; I do think, however, that Druids and Teraphim should be naturally against the distortion of the world. To me, one of the most fun ideas in Eternia was depravity. It was a force that actually harmed the world, and an individual with it would be the ideal target for the forces that fight the natural world to fight against. As such, the first thing I would suggest is the following for Druids.
-serve nature spirits and teraphim
-desire to see a natural world, and may slide to either side of other axises
-can not use occultism as it hurts the natural world
My thoughts on this are the following; Druids should attempt to serve the natural world. I think they shouldn’t want to use occultism, but I don’t think that putting them on the opposite side of the axis from it would be to the benefit of the art. I think that interesting niches, such as Cairn provided, where he didn’t like witches, but worked with them to protect the Vale, or like Dryads, who could be occultists in the past, but would still not stand for rift magic or necromancy, could be maintained. I love the idea of dark-leaning chaotic Druids, who believe that civilizations should fall, and would consider working with Demons to make sure that happen. I also like the idea of light leaning order druids, who believe that a certain amount of civilization must be maintained as long as nature is respected.
However, I think it would be interesting if the Teraphim themselves were more light leaning, and to that I suggest the following.
-mostly already covered
-ability to turn demons more like daemons through a form of ritual
-wayfinding as a sort of world striding
I believe that Terphim having the ability to remove occultism from Demons, as well as give them a different transformation into Daemons, would be fun. This was touched on slightly in spires, and I feel like it could give a firmer niche in Esshar. If Teraphim are entirely natural aligned, yet a demon like Noxim arises, or pacifist demons, a ritual like this could be interesting if the Teraphim’s goals involve making all demons this way.
But if Druids and Teraphim are natural aligned, what would they stand against? To that, I provide the idea of the distortions.
Want to corrode the natural world in some way or form
-necromancy as an example subset of distortion golems
-want to weaken the connection between spirit world and the natural world
The idea behind distortionists are often in the lore behind the Eternia games. In E1 it functioned as depravity, and the arts of Rift, Necromancy, and others came from this. I believe that it’s a wide axis with a lot of room that can grow in a lot of ways if implemented. Tearing holes in the world to make travel faster, or wanting to live forever, or having such a desire for death that it rends people's souls, are definitely not natural, and I also feel like these are arts that people will have a desire to go for over time.
I’m not saying revive Azraelism or Necromancy, but I do think that a race that people could reach for, or strive to become that would be a distortion would be golems. The creation of an artificial body to live longer is definitely not natural. I also think that with a Teraphim’s soul crystal, a phylanciary for golems gives them a natural foil. A golem would be an unnatural mimicry of a Teraphim.
Good aligned golems may wish for their knowledge, and the knowledge of past civilization to be maintained by any means, even if it goes against the natural world. Evil aligned golems would want to live forever, or make armies of hard to kill creations. Both are unnatural, and examples of what the axis could be, and it only offers more niches.
I also offering the additional following suggestion;
-An ultimate distorted form
I believe that, if the Teraphim have a way to turn Demons into Daemons, thus removing their occultism, demons, as an alternative, should be able to strive for a distorted form that is additionally powerful. I believe that currently demon eyes are too common, but an additional rung that can be reached via apps and moves that did make them a target for Druids and Teraphim would be a great niche to encourage them not to ignore demons.
These are just my thoughts on the matter.
Noble Restructuring 2
Further Clarifications on the Noble System
Quote:Quote:Controversial: Noble restructuring
Pre-face: My thoughts on nobles, and their relation in the game has continued to build over time. I think that a big part of Esshar’s original vision of the big city was lost because of the large focus on the First Light. I think that the knights were too powerful, and other groups didn’t have as large a role to play. I believe that to alleviate this, a sort of mixture between knights and nobles would be neat, and to that point I priorly suggested some changes.
This is a continuation of that.
-Major houses have the ability to sustain up to 5 knights
-Minor houses can become ‘banner men’ of major houses, and up to 2 knights
-Noble houses can try to pass their own laws applicable in their own territories
-Each noble house is outfitted with a jail. Minor noble houses have 2 cells, major noble houses have 5 cells.
-Removal of the public jail
-5 major noble houses added to the game, 10 minor noble houses added to go. (Houses themselves, not families to inhabit all of them)
I believe that by limiting the amount of knights that each noble family can have increases competition between nobles. If a group only can have five knights, there’s going to be a slight feeling of pressure to pick knights that can perform and represent them. Again, I believe infighting between noble houses is a good thing. I also believe that giving major houses the ability to ally with minor houses is a good thing.
I don’t believe that 5 major, and 10 minor noble houses will be able to fit into the game at once. However, I believe that by providing an artificial limit, there will always be some minor noble houses trying to become major, and some noble houses sponsoring exceptional knights to become minor noble house leaders. This, again, encourages politics, and competition between noble houses, and their knights.
But, I believe the biggest controversial, yet most interesting change would be removing a public jail, and giving each noble house their own jail. What one noble wants may not be what another wants. A person who one noble sees should be captured, another might not want to be. I believe that by removing a public jail, and instead giving each house a jail, it will lead to interesting situations.
One noble house might choose to pardon a criminal while another desires their execution. Maybe one noble house declares they’ll execute a prisoner, and another noble house raids the first to prevent it. Again, I feel like this could be nuance, and breathe life in the game, especially if these noble houses can rise and fall. More than that, it gives nobles their own special niche, as opposed to something had by a government.
The Three Year Rule
A suggestion on how to give the npc leadership of Esshar more life
Quote:The Three Year Rule (And the Implementation of Guilds)
Pre-face; Orsona has Npc rulers, as did the Syndicate at the start of Esshar. This was treated as a background fluff element, but semi-often I’ve seen players criticize the Queen not doing things or the Npcs not having more weight. I’ve suggested in the past suggestions ways to make factions more appealing. Those suggestions create competition, and hopefully may lay as a backround thought as to why characters might pursue their goals or to establish themselves as houses, or Syndicates. However, it didn’t go over how they would be tied together.
I believe it would be interesting to have a post similar to the World Events of Spires.
Every 3 years (2 weeks, 15 days, approximations), the Noble Houses, Syndicates, Churches, Covens, and Guilds in the area are evaluated. The evaluation would take place via how much information on them has been had or released over a period (I’m thinking perhaps something similar to the ic rumor thread, I’ll work out finer details). Perhaps a paragraph of text telling the current state of Esshar as a nation, or a speech from the monarch and their council would be released. Below this paragraph
-The distribution of Arcanium between the Noble Houses would be released,
-Shifting of rank (The rise of acknowledged houses, or demotion of houses that have not acted for a time) would be released
-New Guilds would be acknowledged or old guilds fundings cancelled
-Churches would be acknowledged or excommunicated by the crown
-Wanted ratings would be released for Covens and Syndicates
Now, the question becomes; Why?
By having a large scale post every 3 years, the Npc leadership of the town can have it’s opinion spread without feeling overbearing. It would show which houses were acknowledged for doing the most work, and show where the opinion has shifted. Churches that are excommunicated don’t have to be hunted down, but they would not be as highly regarded or listened to as ones that were acknowledged. Wanted factions would see how they stand in the world, and this could affect the amount of Sylvanium they obtain, or other resources.
It would make the world feel more alive.
Now, this bears a question; What is a guild?
A guild can be any Crown sponsored collection of people. They could have a minimum number of members, and they must be able to supply a mission statement, and proof that they are completing said mission statement in exchange for funding for their guild. This can include things like mercenary companies or alchemist circles, who supply troops for protecting the town, or stalls for potions. The amount of money given to the guilds doesn't need to be huge (I imagine they could start to collect money on their own when they start to get off the ground), but it is another piece that can make the world feel alive, and give the Npc leadership real weight.
A mission statement is the purpose for the Guild’s founding. If the Guild is found not to be fulfilling their statement, unless they submit a change in statement, their funding gets pulled (the money given to the guild removed.)
I believe, if these suggestions are implemented, it may lead to a more fun and perhaps more free-form Esshar. I hope that for the most part, they can resolve many of the issues that currently hinder peoples fun in the game. I believe that the suggestions, for the most part, would allow for an easier amount of competition, allow for a more implemented and available system for creating new villages and other small areas, and allow for lore building, if only from the front of seeing how the Empire as a whole sees the events in the game happening.
You can tell if you liked or disliked any of the following suggestions at the below Poll, and please feel free to comment on the various suggestions and rework ideas below.
Quote:Poll Link
RE: Notyel's Mass List of Suggestions/Reworks - Food - 03-09-2020
Notyel you are my hero, now lemme read this beautiful tl;dr
RE: Notyel's Mass List of Suggestions/Reworks - Notyel - 03-10-2020
tl;dr I believe that if the game was changed so that factions were smaller and more personal, and more competition was added, it would be more appealing and possibly resolve several issues that have come up over time. These are how I, in detail, think the game state can be improved, with, or without a time skip. Please vote on the poll with your thoughts, and comment with any disagreements, or additional ideas or recommendations.
RE: Notyel's Mass List of Suggestions/Reworks - Theori - 03-10-2020
I'm all for these!
RE: Notyel's Mass List of Suggestions/Reworks - Teemo - 03-10-2020
I like each and every one of these suggestions. Have alternative plots to just evil + bad allows for separated conflict. The Church and the Order often disagreed with each other near Esshar's launch. With the Order being so much stronger and larger the Church's opinion got snuffed out.
Itd make more sense for the church to prioritize demons and the order to prioritize terrorists in their city. I'm not too sure on the new territories because I think it's too drastic for the system we have now. Also, I dont particularly like the world being run by wars and raids.
I think that having the nature vs distortion would create far too much opposition for the demons to manage. I personally think this role would better suit the church because of how little druids have been fleshed out.
I really like the noble restructing and the exclusivity of knights. Though, I think the Syndicate should have a ranking system because better perks are given. Itd make sense for an idealistic group to consist of a lot of retards organized by the head honchos