Chronicles of Eternia
Mementos of Mortyl - Printable Version

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Mementos of Mortyl - Chance - 08-16-2024

[Image: IDMitMS.png]
"All men must serve,
All men must die."

Throughout the inner sanctum of the Tower of Aetius, there is a growing gathering of devotees that have taken refuge within the ancient site. Individuals dressed in dark gothic tones, face and figure often obscured by the black silks; though unlike past occupants they are not a nefarious coven of witchcraft, but one would be excused in assuming such. 

As the name suggests, this faith, the Mementos of Mortyl, has a particular focus on the end and what may come after. Their patrons of choice are Vdali (destruction) and Mortyl (death).

Their rites and beliefs might be considered controversial and at odds with the mainstream practices. Rituals of faith are charged by the lifestream, the flow of magic that makes the world move, but its complexities do not end there. Much like there is energy expended and invisible tunnels of mana to and from when a flower blooms, so too are there when it withers. The leaves become fertilizer for the next seedling; the phase from life to death, and so on.

These Keepers of Aetius carry out old, forgotten, and often controversial functions, some of which were abandoned even before the fall of Vdalion. Many a learned scholar might read these beliefs and consider them mad gibberish.  This includes,

(OOC - Prayers must be concluded at the end of rite. You are free to add your own flavored rituals.)
Confession: Bearing the sin of another, a frequent practice between members and even those outside of the faith. In a private space, the priest accepts a confession that is to be kept confidential. 
Assurance: All must die. The passage to the underworld is not without peril. The priest performs a ritual in a near pitch black room lit by a single candle, that ties an imprint of the person's spirit to a gemstone of their choosing. In the event of their death, the color of this gemstone changes, and a shrine is formed to honor the passing. The faithful will often pay tribute to these shrines and the travels of the assured. It is customary that the assured provides a token of gratitude (coin) to the priest in return, so they aren't lost in the endless sea of souls.
➤ Judgement: An exchange of stories, a one-to-one, personal conversation. It is the role of the priest to study the other and search beyond words and expressions. Then at the end a shallow graft of skin of the person is cut off and placed within a vial, and a prayer is spoken. If the flesh is ash then the priest prays Mortyl takes them soon; if it endures then it is not yet their time.

➤ When the Pantheon was yet young, an enraged Vdali killed many gods and humans alike following a perceived betrayal by Enarr. While the details of the feud are unknown, all are aware of its end; after a challenging ordeal, the god-king eventually sentenced the second eldest to eternal imprisonment, in the depths of the Hollow World. A prison so deep within the void that their screams would reach no person. This act is seen with great distain and a major reason why there is so much upset, as 'destruction' is a necessary function; without it humans are taking it upon themselves to fill that void, lawlessly, and we are collectively heading towards a terrifying fate.
The Tower of Aetius provided a shallow 'passage of influence' to Vdali after many centuries of trial and error, even in their subdued state. One of the major reasons why those who used the tower to explore the cosmos were hunted by the Pantheon's agents was just that: It is a wild network that can disrupt the order of things. And such, finally, when their bindings were loosened a portal was formed from Aetius to the Hollow World.
➤ While brief, this gave Vdali the opportunity to search for hosts. Three Aspects: Calamity, Hatred, and Destruction. One of these three is Shiva; another died in the battle against Ualdir, and the third is unknown. Mementos of Mortyl desire the return and ascension of Vdali, as the god of death, to overthrow Enarr as the ruler of the cosmos, and to be the scale of judgement that will return balance to this fractured world once more and set it on a path that will avoid the claimed catastrophe to come.

On Sin: While most would caution from cruelty and greed, and hubris and lust, the Mementos of Mortyl have a different view. These are fundamental to humanity and our way of rejecting the path destiny has set out for us; society and the pantheon would have you live a simple, predictable life, and should you want for more... even if you must take it by force... this is considered taboo. For lords of the kingdoms want for you to kneel and serve rather than climb higher. There is limited resources in the world, and there are winners and losers, to not embrace your full potential even if others must suffer for it is to be lost in the mist of another's story.

To succumb to the curse of sin is failure, however. Dominating your emotions rather than being ruled to them is key to the priesthood; even if 'going over the edge' occasionally is considered a part of life.

➤ On Fel: Much like Sin, these are necessary but to not be pulled down into. The trappings of depravity means you will be lost within the underworld for the future and become a pawn to another. Hel is a prison best avoided.

➤ On the Pantheon: They are limiting the potential of humanity and their followers are no different. They obscure the truth and wish to maintain the status quo rather than prepare you for what is to come. Why do they not share the secrets of the world? Why do they hide in obscurity yet send avatars of their will the moment there is infighting among them? These gods have failed you.

➤ On Lord Shiva: Once a Champion of Enarr from an era long past; a spitting image physically to the famed Emperor Jokul, perhaps an ancestor. Served within Vanaheim, but turned traitor when they found a new calling as a host for Vdali's Will. Remade and reborn. The scripture of the Mementos of Mortyl is written directly by Shiva, though the faithful are encouraged to add to the lores as they encounter visions and history is written.

On Creation and the Universe: Like all things of beauty, the world is flawed and even the Archangel Kraus could not predict the shapes and colors that would emerge until the cosmos was truly in motion. It is believed by the faithul that at the core of and magic itself is a supersoul, and each life lived adds to it. The destiny of this subconscious is to ascend and challenge the God of Atmos directly, a seedling that will continue to grow into a mighty oak, bearing fruit that only the Angels and their Chosen might sup upon and gain the strength to put an end to a rebellion that went unfinished. 

Shiva claims in his writings that much was learned from the entity within the scythe he carries, of the old world, as swell as his connection to Vdali. There is lamentation and scorn that the destiny of mankind is to be weaponized for another, and a wish to reject this outcome. There is also acknowledgement that the details are murky and we are tasked to uncover the truth.

➤ On The End: The world as we know it will end when two great serpents coil around the moon, and from it the chaos that the divine spirits bound will set into motion the Last War. The Angels will watch distantly, as they always have, and the cosmos will be embroiled in this conflict; all will die, but their souls will continue on, and join as a singularity to carry out the divine plan.

To prevent this, we must master Death. The Mementos of Mortyl are bringers of the needed change. They cause suffering and grant purpose to many; strength of the self and growth must overcome the collective. More is needed.

And there is an unfortunate truth, that many will refuse to accept... of the things that must be done...

➤ Reclaiming Eternia and Your Destiny: The world will end once it has reached its desired state and is ready for ascension. This must be delayed. 

Parts of the world itself must be destroyed to avoid the growing abundance of material that the Creator has. To gain dominion over Mortyl we must learn divine magic as few have had; we must dig deep within the core of Eternia and tear away the flow of souls that gives it life, and make it our own. Meranthe is our testing ground to do so- mastery of this art means there must be many trials, and in combat and violence, sacrifices of those around us. To use their life and death as fuel to gain further insight into the soul.

The lifestream is abudant, and the dam will soon break, and this river will drown us all. We must take from it and store these lives within the Tower of Aetius to be purposed proper. This includes offering our own souls once that time is upon us.

➤ The Silver Beherit: Objects that defy fate. Catalysts of change. An odd egg-shaped totem that can alter one's path, rewrite the present and the future should the bearer learn to see ahead.

➤ On Emissaries of Mortyl: Those who strike at the foundations of the world are to be feared and respected, though not worshipped or followed; to perhaps be contested if one chooses so as well. They are, unknowingly or otherwise, carrying out a great task. Paintings and illustrations detail these stories within the tome, and how they served to 'slow down' the end by causing unforeseen disturbances. Of old these are the Marquis, the Witch Sareen and the Angel Naberius, the Demon Mordred. Of the modern era the Demons Sak'noth and Varrach, the Time Lord Xarxes, the Wraith Ustrea and the Imperfect Lykon. 

To learn from them is important, but to be overcome by their will is no different than falling into the trappings of the fel. Admire their traits yet realize their flaws. Our Dream is much greater than madness and chaos. They are points of interest as they have overcome the trappings of the established order.

Sign Up Here (you can also include existing character)
Warriors of the Faith are known as Death Knights. (Level 150 + Soulbound Weapon)
Those dedicated fully to the Faith are the Mementos or Keepers. (Level 150 + Vdali or Mortyl Pantheon Faith Initiate)

10 FAITH: Grants 'Champion' to a soulbound weapon, allowing the accruement of faith via vital zealotry. 

50 FAITH: Unlocks ?? to self or target Death Knight. Grants basic soul manipulation and ???
Aura - Mortyl Surge. Black leylines reminscient of the Oscuri of Old... 

150 FAITH: Unlocks Vdali Aether to self or target Death Knight. Must be performed in the presence of Shiva. Halves lifespan.

300 FAITH: ??? Area ritual. Target a settlement of choice.

RE: Mementos of Mortyl - Chance - 08-16-2024

Updated with some wacky lore (IC claims, not necessarily the truth. Or maybe it is)...

Responses will be sent out Monday. Feel free to DM me any questions/changes.

RE: Mementos of Mortyl - Chance - 08-18-2024

Responses have been sent out for 'new characters'! The form will remain open for a few more days.

RE: Mementos of Mortyl - Chance - 08-18-2024

200, 470, 1
Monday - 5PM EST
The devotees are to join together in liturgy to commemorate our beginnings here. An opportunity for organizing and to set out our public agenda. Open to all.

(Setup of characters will today and early tomorrow. This event is optional.)