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The Caravan Post: Sailors Of Fortune - Printable Version

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The Caravan Post: Sailors Of Fortune - Barak Mandorallen - 09-07-2022

(This Article is posted across Meranthe in major cities by Caravan members and thrid party couriers)

The Caravan Post

Sailors of Fortune

So I am sure all of you have heard in the recent years, and probably a lot of you most intimately of the band of swaggering, cock-sure, tough as nails sailors (not pirates as I have heard been getting thrown around) who hang out on an island far to the south-west and sell their services to the highest bidder to the various factions and nations across Meranthe.

I am obviously speaking of the Freeport of Fortuna. Now I have heard rumors that these rowdy, freedom loving, hard hitting men and women of fortune were pirates, and went to look for themselves.

I would like to say nothing can be further from the truth, sure they can be rough around the edges, a young and rather mouthy lad named Samandriel being a VERY apt example, but, the truth is crimes such as piracey and the like are illegal on the island, and in fact they work for their pay, as you guessed it, Mercs, second oldest profession in the world.

But beyond that it is also a place of hardworking crafters and good folk who simply enjoy the freedom and beautiful scenery that such an island life affords them.

I was told by one of the members “Pirates steal, we earn our wage, sure it’s through battle, but we work hard for it.”

But even better, I got an interview with the leader of the crew himself, Captain Vilhelm Von Mare

Yes we are back to interviews folks, i'm quite a LAZY journalist.

Q: "SO! Lets get this outta the way captain, whats your full name, and official duties here at the port?"
A:"My name is Vilhem von Mare. I was born in Aphros in the year 1981 to one Fredrick von Mare, and one Riva von Mare. My official duties here in Port Fortune is merely to oversee the continued sustainment of the tenuous peace. This includes such actions and general governance, as well as a political figurehead, though the crew generally acts as close advisors."

Q:"Ok that is perfect, now, how did Port Fortune come to be? are you the Pirates I keep hearing people say you are?"

A:"We are not pirates, I'm afraid. If you seek pirates, look to Black Thorn Cove. We are privateers, essentially mercenaries of the sea. We take contracts from governments to carry out work under their banner." "Essentially, when someone is hired, they are acting purely in that nations interest, even should this technically be against the overall interests of Port Fortune."

"Port Fortune came to be out of a gamble. The wager was high, but we ultimately won. The funds were then used to officially charter this settlement. Port Fortune got it's name purely from winning a wager. Fortunate, no?"

Q: "So Sailors of Fortune huh? Not a bad gig, what sort of laws do you have in place? and is there any codified religion or rulebook to play by, like the other nations have?"

A: "The primary law we have in place is the tenuous peace. If one does not violate the tenuous peace, they are not in violation of the law.". "We're little more than a fishing village of 2,000~ people. There's no true need for fully codified laws, considering how small we are compared to the major powers of the mainland.". "A violation of the tenuous peace is essentially anything that threatens, or can cause harm to another persons bodily autonomy, such as attacking them, poisoning them, burning their house down, amongst other things."

"Violation will result in every citizen of the Port piling upon you with the intent to feed you to the sharks."

"Naturally such does not apply outside of the Port, and we don't really seek to spread our particular brand of peace elsewhere. It merely works for us, and that's enough."

"We have no codified religion, essentially just a mishmash of what people have brought from the mainland, as well as the Sailors Pantheon, which is primarily worship of Enarr, Maestra, and Chireus."

"If you're familiar with these three, you are essentially familiar with the Sailor's Pantheon."

Q: Tenous peace sounds like the law of all meranthe at the moment, but a common sense law."

"I am a follow of Mestra myself, soon hopefully to be a full fledged presitess, nice to see more rep for us!"

"Speaking of burning houses down, I have heard rumors that the burning of a house down in Aphros was due to operators from here, can you give an answer to those claims?"

A:"Aye, the burning of the home in Aphros was indeed our doing. Essentially, the long and short of it is this, there is a Kitsune Woman, her name is Katherine. She was welcomed amongst the crew, and given the same care and protection as every member of the crew. She was attacked along with her boyfriend at the time, by the Delphian man by the name of Sei."

"The crew came in to the rescue, thankfully, and both were saved from any major bodily harm. Katherine however, was displeased that we were unwilling to move into open conflict with the Delphinians over it. Can you blame us? We numbered so few at the time, they are hundreds of thousands, whilst we are only one or two thousand. Her attempt to force an open conflict over this simply didn't make any sense."

"She didn't take well to this denial, as you might imagine, and started making all forms of claims, such as that we were witches and consorting with various dark forces. Yet, this did not bother us overmuch, we keep fairly good relations with the Mainland nations, and tend to have quite a bit of correspondence moving back and forth."

"When this failed, she abused our trust, and stole several years worth of supplies, including thousands of pounds of reagents, ores, food, you name it, really."

"Including precious ores, such as eternite and arcanium."

"Naturally, this would not stand, so the crew acted without orders, hunted her down, and reaquired the supplies she had stolen."

"Unfortunately, in the dispute, a fire broke out within the house."

"There was much confusion at the time, but fortunately, things were smoothed over with Apheros, who then, after the display, saw fit to hire us as mercenaries." 

Q: “That was a rather Good explanation Captain and I hope and think it will alleviate some doubts about you all. SO what are your plans for the future? any big cool plans? like a big olde fleet or something?"

A: "The plans for the future include the establishment of a more formal system of governance, though this will take some time. A fleet of ships is on the way, we're merely trialing various hull designs at the moment, they are holding better and better."

"My hope is that within the next couple of years, you will see something more than humble rowboat here around Port Fortune."

Q: "Well Im glad, I like it quite a bit out here, and your company has been quite fun, besides, Ive been telling people to come out here for honeymoons. best spot in meranthe in my opinion."

"That might be all I got, anything you wanna say or comment on about this place or just something you want people to know?"

"Aye, it's a lovely place, I met my wife here, when she was visiting from Vdalion. She fell in love with the place, as I her. Funny how that works out."

"Ah, perhaps I'll add one thing."

"Come to me, the meek, the poor, those wishing to breathe free."

As you can see, a well thought out, and sophisticated man runs the Port, his people may be rowdy, they may fight like they came outta Hel, but, I think its  a place filled with Soul, Love, and Life, and I honestly hope to see more of them out and about in the coming years, and see that sleepy fishing village into a bustling sea city of commerce, Heck if I ever find the time to marry (as if) I might just honeymoon there myself.

This has been Fireball Finn, bringing a little slice of the world to your corner of Meranthe.

Stay Safe

Mestra Bless