Chronicles of Eternia
The Song Plays On - Printable Version

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The Song Plays On - Shaqdaddy94 - 06-11-2022

[Image: 4a2cd68e5b9f2ed4027e65c7f4c8977e--mists-art-google.jpg]

With the Ebonblooded home destroyed and gone. Nothing of the spire and the place known to most drakanites existed. The history of the Fireblooded and Ebonblooded extinguished. A lone drakanite looks at the mountain and knew that it was nothing can be done.

"I'm sorry i failed you, my god. I sorry i failed you, Herald. I could've done more and fought harder. But you taught me even in loss as long as you live you can always make a way for a new beginning. I will not abandon my god teachings. I will not forget what you taught me Herald Emerson. You died as leader. You died as faithful husband. You died as man who loss it all but played his song till the very end. For your chapter of the Ebonblooded is gone. But it doesn't mean the end of our faith.

Herald be free to know i shall stand by your daughter even if Hel and Heavens come against her choices. I shall serve the faith of Naysien and live on to make those of our former and the last not be wiped from history. To you we shall forge a new history.
