Chronicles of Eternia
scorch, let's make it neat - Printable Version

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scorch, let's make it neat - Suke - 12-23-2019

yo, I come with a new suggestion. this time thinks it's pretty alright huh.

scorch as it stands now is as big as star rain, prolly does lil more damage than it aswell but it doesn't have a slow

also, star rain 10 rpp / basic spell

       scorch 15 RPP / intermediate spell

overall, feels very lackluster for somethin more expensive and huh, harder to get? (the whole 60 RPP)

suggestion : instead of making it bigger or givin it a slow, why not give scorch the burn effect? like dunno 5 sec of burn, seems neat.

RE: scorch, let's make it neat - Chance - 12-23-2019

Fire itself provides a lot more options than Cosmic does so that's good to take into account

RE: scorch, let's make it neat - Suke - 12-23-2019

dunno man, just a suggestion. thought it'd be cute y'know?

what scorch provides is more damage on impact. its good. but think it ain't a stretch to say star rain is better and cheaper. i ain't know, i find the "burn effect" mechanic cool and would like to see it more LOL

always loved DOT damage

now ain't sure what you mean by fire having more options. if ye mean more trees to specialize into then YEAH, totally. 3 trees you can have access to for 1 with cosmic but think the latter has more huh, hiddens? (power ranger auras [3 of them], stardust explosion, galaxy explosion, meteor shower, celestial ascencion) that like a grand total of huh.. 7

dunno man, ain't here to talk bout fairness, here to talk about coolnesss

my twenty cents, addin burn on scorch would be cool, even for 2 - 3 sec. for a high cooldown aoe like that, think it would ok

RE: scorch, let's make it neat - Chinatown - 12-23-2019

It would be cool but it'd make Scorch too powerful. I think it's fine as is, it's in a good spot.

RE: scorch, let's make it neat - Shelpies - 12-23-2019

Scorch is at a good spot. It excels at what it does best: creating a zone where your enemy is afraid to stand in. Giving it a Burn effect would be a bit too much, since Burn slows and deals DOT.

RE: scorch, let's make it neat - Suke - 12-24-2019

but burn is so cool and fun :'(

RE: scorch, let's make it neat - BrahmsFrost - 12-28-2019

Burn is cool. The thing about Scorch is that it comes with a tree that has Blazing Wave, Flame Slide and Great Fire Wave along with a good slow in Overheat. And because those things actually stack, if you added burn to Scorch it'd be brutal. Unless you dropped the damage to make up for the burn status. I'm all for having trees inflict more stuff. But yeah the power of all the tile fire spreading waves and whatnot would need a hard look. I'd say burn is okay but only if the damage was dropped down. And to be honest if you stack the others it's better to have Scorch doing its damage.

Edit: Though I would probably do it by a 25% chance or something for 3s burn. And only on Scorch. Add that effect to the other aoe fire have and it'd be impossible to fight it. Keep in mind all those tiles stack.