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Tying Loose Ends
[Image: b89335afcb374fc15238ceaab5bf1d73.png]
A bat flew into Dawnstone, invisible with fear in its eyes and yet an objective in its heart.
A dragon was taken by surprise but it wasn't enough to fell him.
Their families will still fight against each other as the Dawnseeker fell Sak'Noth before.
It was only fair to keep it as a family tradition.

Scouts and messengers scattered around, going to the small and big cities with one warning.
Dvarr, The Spineless tried to take the life of Sredras Dawnseeker, The Holy Dragon
With the mighty roar of Bahamuth, The Black Dragon of Dawnstone, the people of the city were put at ease.
The demon was captured and a public execution is being prepared to end the demon's life.

(ooc note: As always, demons had been nice to all of us and I am just trying to make my part in repaying the favor! Come try to save your buddy, lets create more IC, yada yada)

DATE: Friday 08/18 6PM EST
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[Image: Fn_3oS6XkAIuE5b.png]

The talk of execution reaches the throne of Skarnfel, and its notorious Demon King.
No less, a talk of executing its nephew.
As Diavol was a spawn of Sak'noth, just like Na'Ria, they shared a heritage.
And, perhaps unlike most demons, this kinship ran deeper than just blood.

The golden gaze of the Ascendant lingers upon the Gutter, now named Dawnstone, with a baleful dozen eyes.
It is not to a patron, nor a deity that Na'Ria and its kindred speak so highly of.
It is, instead, itself.
A psychic demand is spoken in the fractured voice of a feminine Imperfect, rolling across the continent in complete silence.

Until it reaches Dawnstone.

"Release Dvarr.
He is mine cherished family.
He is all I have left, other than mine children, that are related to mine Father.
He is blessed with the blood of Change.
If you do not,
then your fetid island will burn.
Gutters need cleansing, after all."
[Image: cc2b1e0fbc4635125ab89d66ed1cbb68.jpg]
The King lost against the Imperfect
But its people valiantly defended their home.
The walls stood tall as the Scaleguard with the fellow magis pushed the Fel Horde back.
An undead fell and its body burned and,
What followed was a simple execution, 
Where once stood a bat, now there was nothing.
Just a black dragon and the scorched cobblestone that made the square of Dawnstone.
Not even ashes remained to be scattered in the winds.
A roar followed as the black shadow flies above the city,
Dawnstone stands.

[Image: unknown.png]

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