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Transitioning away from ability apps
The havoc system is nice for antags. However i can see it being abused a bit by people with lots of sigs. I think a way to possibly mitigate it would be to make it a passive thing. If your not part of a faction you get bonus exp to from dangers and rping outside of settlements maybe that help even out the exp those that are part of factions get.
(09-09-2024, 01:28 PM)Penguin Wrote: Why is there so much resistance to including the influence system/points into this? It seems like a fair way to reward players who actively support their faction and help it rise in position.

Of course, you might choose not to join a faction or role-play outside your territory, and that’s perfectly fine. However, as a player, you made this decision. Besides, those who are actively engaging in battles and exploring the world still get experience and the bonus from the fights and whatnot (perhaps that's why /havoc will exist, to help those who don’t want or can't join a faction due to their IC and want to be their own chaotic force), right? If not, integrating it into the system could be a good idea.

Remember, influence is capped daily, so the maximum you can earn is 500 signature points per day. This means it would take about 10 days of consistent role-playing within your faction to see significant results.

That's a significant time commitment, especially for those who can't play the game around the clock. Eternia is meant to be enjoyable for everyone, so having additional ways to reward players who push the plot during their free time, like with /havoc and influence points, would be really helpful.

A guess as to why the influence system is included is because with influence, you're having the support from a lot of people which supplements growth or something along those lines. Also, you gain 1000 influence upon winning a danger while wearing your faction clothing.
Hey! After doing some calculations and brainstorming, I think we should consider adding some avenues along with the proposals that were suggested (Havoc, influence points, and so on), maybe we could combine these ideas with Madsen's (loved them). For example:
  • Ranks could give you points when you obtain them (perhaps something that can only be awarded via ticket to prevent abuse).
  • Participating in global events or raids could also grant an amount of points.
  • World events and other regular events could provide additional opportunities for earning points.
The reason I'm saying this is because of what I just calculated, here: If you manage to get 200 EXP per hour, it would take you 150 hours for a master and 500 hours for an exalted. Let’s say you only play 3 hours of this game per day; that translates to about 167 days for an exalted and 50 days for a master (Note: This is assuming you only play 3 hours a day and consistently earn 200 EXP/hour).

Disclaimer: It's really hard to get 200 exp per hour for several reasons: Like it's 60 EXP per long post (I'm not sure how long those need to be), and they take around 20 minutes to create. Assuming the other player’s typing speed is average, you’ll likely only be able to do one or two posts per hour (around 120 EXP assuming you make them really long and don’t do any white text.) 

I also believe that we shouldn’t foster a mentality that pressures players (who may not have English as their first language and are trying their best to do quality posts; hey, that's me ) to post quickly. Nor do I think it's fair to ask players to spend that amount of time of their days daily to be able to get a signature, I don’t believe it’s even possible for most of us.

Anyway, I also feel, as one of my good friends pointed out, that these are adjustments that will be resolved over time after the change is implemented. We’ll see how it works, and when some problems happen, we will address them as a community.  I believe this is a step toward something very good and interesting. As taking a significant burden off the admin team will allow them to focus on applications, item apps, and wonders, which generally have a greater impact on the game.

-the inf multipliers are very significant to this (for a faction leader you're getting like 4x progress?), personally i dislike this because factions already get a ton of free stats; you are going to get some significant level gaps between people with masters and exalteds this way which is going to produce some matchup complaining lol + drama over limited slots. could also lead to people avoiding questing and dungeon for this reason lol
-proposed tiering/point values still really encourage metapicking, especially in the case of invisibility counting (as well as some clear outliers still being there)
-currently, older characters have 0 pp: will this be changed, in some way?
[Image: MYqnJtt.png]
I have an idea: what if we lock the archenemy option in the relationship skill (requiring a ticket and a reason, such as being AFK, to prevent abuse), and fighting them grants you some extra PP?
I think the transition away from ability apps is a great idea. The only issue I have is the way faction influence interacts with progression points. 

If you're a high ranking guild member, your 'RP' is effectively worth more than a low ranking guild member's, at least when working towards your signatures, according to this system.

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