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Londo's Maple Academy!
[Image: 3nmTWBs.jpeg]

The Engine of Reality - Metaphysics

"I welcome all willing to garner different perspectives."

In the announcement's print, blotchy ink spots shift and dance on the corners of the pages, making out the words central to them only in the greater focus of the script that is not there, but implied. An illusory flock of crows circles about the academy, occasionally, without reflections, shadows or influence. On the papers addressed to those interested, it reads as follows:

"The nature of the world is driven by the movement of the physical, but the nature of reality is a step outside of the purely observable. To this regard, I study psionics. The nascent nature of the spirit, yet not spirit magic. Perhaps you will find something worth pursing in the immaterial, perhaps not. That is for you to discern from the broad swath of topics I would like to cover, among them including the deceptively simple natures of:

- Unreality & Reality
- The Mind & Spirit
- Psionics & Telepathy
And to whatever ends you would inquire, if time allows.

In the pursuit of psionics, spiritual control, and mental awakening, I encourage all interested, even if not metaphysical magi, to attend. I will not likely be explaining the nature of pataphysics and arcane, divine, or conceptual magics. For now.
You may seek me out of my personal time in your neighbor, Gloomlight's, borders, often.
Sky be with you."

On June 26th (06/26), at ~5-6 PM EST. Hours flimsy.

In the signature, and following post signature:

"- Sterling
I will not be putting 'worms in your head,' no."
Teachers & Lessons

Fantasy P. Kasca - Holy Magic, Medical, Wayfinding, Swordsmanship/Combative Teacher

Juniper Lunas - Holy Magic/Medical Teacher

Lexi Equisol - Medical Teacher

Flown - Unarmed/Combative Teacher, Breakdancing Teacher

Sterling Starling - Metaphysics and Telepathy Teacher

Cathrine Silver - Telepathy Teacher, Swordsmanship/Combative, Alacratis Faith and History Teacher

Lore Mooney - Runecasting Teacher

Liam P. Kasca - Swordsmanship/Combative Teacher

Asterin P. Kasca - Mestran Faith History and Holy Magic Teacher

Hemera Valmonte - Mestran Faith History, Holy Magic, Medical, Barrier Magic, and more! Find out through attending.

Levius - Literature and any other book-related matters

Still Hiring More![Image: SwES7N6.gif]
[Image: qsb0vgV.jpg]

The blade is Me.
Date: 7/13 5pm Est.
For anyone unable to make it at said time, the option of finding me icly is there for a private scene.
Discord: moonlightguardian, if you'd like to set up a scene.

Along the hallways of the academy, papers are stabled upon the boards. A new teacher emerges, welcoming students of any age with interest in the blade. For those interested, should continue to read the following...

"Greetings, for those that don't know me, my name is Liam Kasca. I've studied the blade for years, devoted my life to its ways. Every battle, every challenge, helped shape me to be the man I am today with my weapon of choice. It is but a passion of mines. Thus, from the experience over the years, I'm more than willing to share them with the world  and shape a new generation of swordsman alike."

The blade is me: Part one.
-Basic knowledge of the blade itself.
-Explaining the different types of swordsman.
-Ways to intertwine the usage of magic through the sword in its basic form.
-Movements of a swordsman.
-A couple of training drills.
-In the end, students will spar one another to show their understanding of the lesson.
Teachers & Lessons Update!

Lex (Magical Beast/Bear) - Philosophy & More!

Dunsman S. Viridi - Holy Magic, Faith & Philosophy

Still Hiring More![Image: SwES7N6.gif]

The way of Nature and life.

Me teach class on Fa-la-sa-fee. It good class. Everyone make to class. Help people grow stronger. People will learn lot.

TEACHER: Lex the Molten Bear

LESSON: Lex will teach you how the ways of nature can help you in your everyday life's and how to deal with things the right way (his way). First lesson will be on how to grow to be better and stronger.

DATE: 7/1 6:00 PM EST
Due to many events happening

Cathrine Silvers telepathy class 6/28 will be postponed for a better date, stay tuned on a better date to set this.

many students who took the first class continue to practice! i expect great things from you!
Mei'Ria - Metaphysics, Demonology, Order Magic, Artifice, Runecraft

Has been added to the teacher listings.[Image: SwES7N6.gif]
Due to some problems within the forest Lex has postponed his class till the next upcoming month.

(Some stuff has came up irl, the class will be held tomorrow at the same time.)
7/2 6 PM EST
Let's try this again...

[Image: 9c735cab3acd067d008347f198cea658.jpg]

"Last time was extremely unfortunately scheduled."

"I wish I knew someone was being knighted that day."
The crows are back. Their papers ink-blotted and illusory as ever, but there are less.

"I am once again extending the invitation to learn metaphysics, and perhaps even dabble lightly in telepathy. As I had made the grievous error of scheduling on the same day of a knighting ceremony, somehow. I did not account for it, and so thusly I will repeat much the same. The offer stands:

- Metaphysics
- Telepathy
- Reality

The nature of the class will be, as usual, fairly broad. Consider yourself welcomed.
No worms, still.
- Sterling "

As before, 6 PM EST. It will be on July 3rd, and another on July 5th.
It can't have been that long. Let's see...
…four years? What?

[Image: f6b01d73de7983487b329bb18fbd3822.jpg]

It's time to revisit the Maple Academy.

Crows circle overhead, and again bring tidings of an omen. An omen, that, yes, soon - another class is scheduled by one of the primary roster, for the first time in years, and she's back with a new highly sought after skill.
Sterling - Metaphysics, Telepathy, Wayfinding

Behold, I return with things to teach. And, soon.

Wayfinding Class - 08/04, 2 PM EST

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