Forum Threads Posts Last Post
60 176 Halloween Update (SATURDA...
11-01-2024, 05:20 PM
by Chance
Guides & Information
Make sure to read the rules!
68 171 Settlement Guide
10-13-2024, 02:51 AM
by Chance
Provide feedback and brainstorm ideas.
555 11,554 Bug Reports
02-10-2025, 09:21 AM
by Fucus
Discuss the world's lore. You can also submit your own here for review and potential canonization.
Sub Forums:
Approved Lore
102 149 The Roses of Caius
01-15-2025, 01:19 AM
by DirectorBright
Creative Corner
Show off your creations! Writing, art, code, etc.
155 1,312 circles for sale
01-18-2025, 10:23 AM
by thyme

Forum Threads Posts Last Post
Mostly item applications. See the progression guide for abilities, you do not apply here.
Sub Forums:
Custom Resource, and 1 more.
- -
In Character
Strictly IC announcements, such as upcoming events or the aftermath of a scene that characters in the area would be aware of.
1,276 4,720 Playtime is Ogre
32 minutes ago
by Deep Sleeper
Dungeon Master
If you want to host events, post your profile following the template. You can read the DM guide here!
Sub Forums:
Event Plan Archive
198 2,237 Bee Dm
02-10-2025, 04:34 AM
by bumbleebumblebee
Request a personalized event here, or state your interest in an existing one.
830 1,472 Stories of Religion
1 hour ago
by Kal
Public Events
These are events hosted by DMs directly rather than player requested.
212 846 Hatred Burns Forever
02-10-2025, 04:23 PM
by Spiffspoff
A noble house of knights, back-alley cutthroats, or sinister pacts. You can probably find it here.
140 276 Court of Ilumitar
9 hours ago
by Chance
Public character biographies and journals.
527 1,124 Songbook II
Yesterday, 03:39 AM
by Dandeli
Desired player roles, such as joining a family as a child.
464 1,216 Ying and yang
7 hours ago
by Kyle
These archived threads are prior to Meranthe, but you might find some good inspiration within!
3,801 9,817 The end.
07-19-2022, 02:50 AM
by eev

Board Statistics
Who's Online [Complete List]
904 users active in the past 60 minutes (37 members, 13 of whom are invisible, and 863 guests).
Bing, Google, Yandex, Discord, imissmywifetails, RadioHead, akemimera, DingleThePringle, bumbleebumblebee, -Eity-, InThePooPoo, Shader2, magicschoolbusdropout, Deep Sleeper, Na'vora Zola, tetsuochii, GlugGlop, Lich4441, ethan10000llahd, Tumbles, B0b_J3ffers0n, Valterak, Sun_Wukong, TheUnbeknownst, Bnuuny, Tyata, Daeut, Sora4591
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