PatsyPatsy - The Greatest Show on Esshar!

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls! Children of all ages!

Welcome to the Greatest Show in All of Esshar! Where our wisecracking host(hey, that's me!...) invites you on a journey not only of physical prowess, but of mental fortitude, full of excitement and wonderment to tease your brain and make you ask simply; How?
Make sure that you keep all eyes on Me as I dazzle you with performances wrought with danger and death-defying acts, where I, and others of like mind, treat you to exotic ideals and revelations the likes of which you've even considered before! Where a thousand souls have wandered, looking for gold, glory, fortune and enjoyment, but where so daring few have ever pushed the envelope, to bring to you something phenomenal, something daring, and dare I say it?

Something that's perhaps just a little. Bit. Crazy.

[Image: 3vHulb9.png]

Quote:Across Esshar, thousands of flyers are placed up to any surface available. Billboards, homes, trees, poppylus that have grown slightly too big- If it's able to have something pinned upon it, there's a likely chance there's a piece of parchment, all in varying shapes and sizes with different bits of graffiti scribbled all over, in some cases making the flyer almost impossible to read. To those who manage to get their hands on one of these flyers that are actually readable, it seems obvious; A circus, after the horrific events that have occurred over the last forty odd years, to brighten the days of the populace of Esshar!...

But noticeably, and perhaps curiously, there is no date, no place of locale, nothing except a stage name and an indicator scribbled alongside.

'If interested in a local showing, please contact 'Patsy'! Just look for the really stupid hat, you can't miss her!'

'Carnies wanted. Bring your own payment.'

'Also, the person reading this is cute. Probably. Please hire me, I need the money.'


[Image: dnTv0Yd.gif]
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