LoganSoul Drain
Soul Drain is an intermediate (?) Occult hidden that you have to app for. I'm pretty sure you could just get it from a journal - But it's not on the list, either. So from my understanding that means you need to make an entirely separate app for it.

And it sucks for certain builds.

I'll preface this by saying that Soul Drain is a 25 second CD, 7ish damage homing. Don't get me wrong. It's very good if you're playing a kiting, homing spamming mage build. But if you're playing melee? Or something else and are just looking for a slow?

It sucks.

[Image: z7YdDaD.gif]

The slow itself lasts around three seconds. I'm not sure if it gives -DR anymore either (Doesn't show in stats tab. But neither does frostbite.) It goes through slow immunity which is nice. But again. It's three seconds.

On the other hand, something like Wind Flurry lasts around 6 seconds. And not to mention that it also does around the same damage.

[Image: j2AM9Vt.gif]

I can't speak much on the game prior to me starting again, but from what I can gather Soul Drain was really strong back in the day and was toned down within good reason. Go ahead and nerf the damage again. Remove its immunity bypassing. Anything.

But please.

Give it a normal slow time.
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