FucusBug Report: Broken Disguise Item
Describe the issue:

Right Clicking the Disguise item prompts a name change despite having it's name set already (As oppose of the normal, warning message after you've set the disguise's name for the first time) and on top of that, It can't retain the quick descriptions 128 x 128 reference for long period of times (as opposed to normal disguises)

How to reproduce:

Not entirely sure as the broken disguise item was a result of a prior admin intervention in an attempt to fix the known disguise offset when applying a new sprite to it.

AstroClouds (discord handle) may offer more details as they were the one who tried to fix the disguise firstly.

What I can guess given on what I've observed is that they have given another item (which was already sprited and didn't had the 'hood offset' problem) the disguise attribute and perhaps, due to hidden mechanics that the disguise you receive at 150 rpl have and which are missing in the admin intervention disguise, the disguise limitations have messed up.

Any relevant media (images, gifs/video, etc): 

I can give the disguise directly for further testing if need be
#1 sand connoisseur
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