SukeAn opportunity
[Image: IndelibleJoyfulFowl-size_restricted.gif]

An opportunity

A handful of flyers are distributed throughout Osrana, Sudbury and Messaris by a gentle looking girl carrying herself with the uniform of the City Watch and an detective cap...

"Hello there!"

"I'm looking to teach a few classes about the Cosmos and how to draw from it!"

"An opportunity to learn for these who do not wish to join the Faith and would rather stick with a smaller community! An opportunity to be part of something!"

"As a child of Sudbury, all people from anykind of background are welcome to join! There won't be any discrimination and everyone will be treated equally."

"There will be a selection at the very beginning as I want to keep this fairly restricted!"

"But fear not, it won't be based on your capacity to take someone down, we aren't apes!"
"I promise to bring the best out of you... come find yourself here with us..."

"To those interested, my informations are down below..."

"Best of luck!"

 ~ The Little Mouse, Tomio.

Send DM to Suke#3529 if interested
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