Peep 'Puff' TopiaOn Proper Hygeine...
[Image: 220px-Pool_for_men.jpg]

"No innovation in the past 200 years has done more to save lives and improve health than the sanitation revolution triggered by the invention of the toilet." –Sylvia Burwell

With the advent of certain unspeakable rumors has a brand new sermon come out in response to a health epidemic sweeping Sudbury, presented by Osric akh Durai himself...

Quote:Long has it been since man has wallowed within the mud of our own filth. History born of ignorance, we grew weary of such a disgraceful lifestyle and found ourselves wanting more. We crafted cloth from our shrubs, hats from the hides of our cattle and we washed ourselves into cleanliness through the rivers that ran through our settlements.

We did so not out of idle vanity but necessity. Poxes linger within every corner of every street, from your coughing neighbor to your child with a runny nose. Upon all sides are we beset by sickness, and only proper precaution can prevent the worst.

I have spoke at length about the dangers of occultism, but let me now speak of the other restricted magic within Osrona:

Blood Magic.

Many vilify it as a mockery of the vital essences inside of us all, and they are quite right! Know that the restriction upon it is both one of moral concern and hygienic concern! For there is no grander vector for disease then the spraying of bodily fluids to all! In any given battle will a blood mage spout out gallons upon gallons of infectuous, dangerous fluid from their bodies! Magi systems can handle such a load--but those who are not blessed by our fair stars will find themselves quick with pox!

Which brings me to the crux of today's sermon:

Do not, under any circumstance, imbibe fluids belonging to another's body! Do not, either, imbibe of liquid that others have bathed in! You will not, despite all outcry otherwise, gain magic powers! You will not, despite what some may tell you, become beautiful! Nor will you, despite certain noble women's claims, gain noble blood!

What will you guess, you ask this holy father?

The Pox!

Do not disgrace your holy bodies with such nonsense. Remain clean, and remain healthy. It is our highest duty to ensure we are fit enough in our body to do our souls justice in our quest to aid the stars, and that starts by avoiding needless vectors of disease.
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