WoolooThe Forge in the Ice
[Image: 12-chandra.png?w=325]

The Kalvore descend into the mountains of Theria, seeking the source of a rumor of fire and treasure. Instead...

They find an ancient ruin, dedicated to a mysterious deity - The Primordial of Fire. Frozen over, they must reignite the fires that once operated the great forge that was once used in worship of the being. As they do, they'll find that the ancient magitech that once guarded the place won't be friendly to intruders, even after centuries under the frozen waste. Battle and adventure await the Kalvore!
Character/Contact: Feuer Altoir/Delirium-the-Mad#4085
Attendees: Feuer, Cayden, and other Kalvore Tribe members
Risk: Medium Rare. CoI likely.
Tone: Lore rich, primordial-focused. Magitech themed enemies and environment, puzzles and fiery battles!
DM: Searching!
Requests: Knowledge on ancient magitech, knowledge on primordials, Primordial Fire dev item and a Golden Anvil as primary reward.
silvain conquic here....

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