WoolooBring back Roaming ECs with TS
Make random, spontaneous events in life a thing again.

Traveling DMs that can spawn bandits, demons, dragons and witches just to fuck up your day.

Part of the complaint of unused land was that nothing happened in it. Tools such as roaming ECs can definitely be used to put life back into those zones. I know the map is getting some fat trimmed off it, but there's bound to be still some areas that don't see much action.

It'll also allow for a bit more RP than just the LIGHT VS DARK stuff if someone gets creative with it.
While I think this is a GREAT idea I also think there probably shouldn't be more than a few of these roaming DMs if it does happen. Like! Maybe 3-5, so that things don't happen too often, but often enough! If I'm making sense..
Definitely no need for more than a handful. Perhaps even given free range for plot ideas (IE: Saekanis cult that, if not stopped ICly, does some damage later by summoning something? Idk)

Some of the ECs and stuff like that were known to go past their original role, and I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing, so long as it's actually bringing storytelling. Randomness like that is useful for a game like this.
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