Enigmatic OutlookI love this game, but...
Ok before I get into this I have a bone to pick.

The Demons, especially the ones that we brought in to start this whole theme of them coming back... Certainly didn't try to find anything other than dangerous when we were safeguarding them. And not to throw you under the bus, but you can see in several places that many times I had offered to do more and work on development with any of you constantly. Instead, the only interest you ever had was being taken out on a leash to find an encounter for those dangerous AP gains. This isn't a bad thing, but being in a constant line of fire is expected, and when given alternatives which were ignored before? I'm a little surprised that now it's an issue, and those dangerous encounters are getting tiring.

I'll admit I am very annoyed since most who have died or fallen that emerged from the cave could've easily asked me for help or any kind of assistance. Even now as I am taking a break from the character, I am still available and around to assist if it's needed. Alternatives given before certainly went ignored, and now these dangerous encounters have become a problem due to people being captured/killed from them?

This is where I will say the first few demons were a mistake, and we certainly shouldn't have taken you out as much as we did. And we certainly should have not safeguarded you during this whole time, to give you this net of security and safety which doesn't exist. And with many of you next to each other, and even mimics that exist with you too. You need to realize you can find roleplay with each other and be able to avoid getting into heavy conflict each day. Another thing I saw very little off is you all working together on something, and now I am at the point of not even offering out my help actively because I am tired and burnt out myself.

What I suggest now is taking from this and learning, and reaching out to others within the hideout or those around it... And working on things and ways to make for more than going out to hunt/do dangers. You can do events for hunts, which can bring more interesting/build bonds between antagonists even. There is a lot more to do than walk out of the cave into those people camping it. And as much as many people want to go out and create roleplay for the community, sometimes it's better to take a step away from it.

Now I move onto my next point, the community.

Ever since I made my Witch it has been nothing but a struggle against metagaming, and constant jump to accusations and even people making up literal things that there's no proof or hints at and don't exist/happen to try and get you in trouble. And this was something you dealt with constantly, day in and out of Osrona era of being undercover. Most (Not all) of the community only focus on themselves, and they want to be the special snowflake to do the big reveal of a witch being a witch. Or in terms of evil, being evil. People hunt for credit too often, when playing along can create much more enjoyable roleplay overall and for yourself and the antagonist, people just don't care. They crave for that acknowledgment for expelling something bad, and that's where the game and its players begin to plummet.

All these private little servers people have made, and discuss things happening icly oocly in the chat are a big problem. Spreading knowledge that you know only oocly is unwise, as a lot of players can't keep it from their IC and end up pretty much metagaming it completely. And admins can't do anything about this because you honestly need hard proof of metagame to get someone in trouble for it, which is very fair due to how thin the line is and how difficult it is to tell when it's happening. Just knowing what someone is in the back of your head changes your IC towards them, and it's unfun to play with which inevitably ended up pushing a lot of the antagonists to be burnt out or just want to move on. Including myself.

I found even after the grand reveal it had become a chore to play a character, and tiring to write on them after dealing with so much of this. And it didn't even stop after the whole reveal happened either, which makes it worse. These little chats are a big problem, but not as big a problem as the community (Not everyone) but most think towards other people's IC. Taking what they have heard OOCLY and slowly forcing it into their IC too, treating people differently based on OOC knowledge. And this can even count towards just who someone is OOCLY affecting your approach towards them ICLY.

It's wrong, and people should be aware of their actions. Promoting roleplay is much more fun, and enjoyable. It's healthy for the game itself and creates that web of mystery and surprise when things happen. When certain people say they are bored or have nothing to do, despite having killed most of what could have been a pulling story disappoints me.

Names aren't worth mentioning here, but if you feel like this is directed at you?
Then maybe you're telling yourself something, and you need to make a change.

This situation of being a witch is the same as being a demon or mimic, it's just as bad or worse honestly. Since even if your undercover, you're being watched/judged constantly as the OOC knowledge is practically already known. And you can't hide it for long if you want to do things interesting, one hex and it's literally over... Especially if someone roleplay's it poorly or tries to metagame using it. Having to bring in admins for these situations shouldn't happen, and I feel like it's an issue of respect. Even if on Eternia 1 it was more lawless and dangerous, people generally had a lot more respect for the overall IC and writing of others, and in today's game that's missing heavily.

I've said this in voice a lot of times to multiple people, even in regards to capturing 1 rolls or 2's or 3's... Not needing to end in someone's death, as before when we had an issue with people being killed we acknowledged it better and promoted the use of pretending/giving someone an out from the end of their story.

A lot of problems exist, and they are extremely hard to tackle. This isn't an admin issue or a game issue, it's a community as a whole issue. And if the game is going to get better, people's attitudes towards IC and OOC need to be changed. At the end of the day, the only time you'll ever win on this game is if you push the narrative and if you aren't doing that, you are playing the wrong game.

I might have missed a few things, or even not mentioned stuff. But these are some general thoughts/feelings I had after reading a few posts here after just waking up.
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